109:1 (大衛的詩,交與伶長。)我所讚美的 神啊,求你不要閉口不言。
109:2 因為惡人的嘴和詭詐人的口已經張開攻擊我;他們用撒謊的舌頭對我說話。
109:3 他們圍繞我,說怨恨的話,又無故地攻打我。
109:4 他們與我為敵以報我愛,但我專心祈禱。
109:5 他們向我以惡報善,以恨報愛。
109:6 願你派一個惡人轄制他,派一個對頭站在他右邊!
109:7 他受審判的時候,願他出來擔當罪名!願他的祈禱反成為罪!
109:8 願他的年日短少!願別人得他的職分!
109:9 願他的兒女為孤兒,他的妻子為寡婦!
109:10 願他的兒女漂流討飯,從他們荒涼之處出來求食!
109:11 願強暴的債主牢籠他一切所有的!願外人搶他勞碌得來的!
109:12 願無人向他延綿施恩!願無人可憐他的孤兒!
109:13 願他的後人斷絕,名字被塗抹,不傳於下代!
109:14 願他祖宗的罪孽被耶和華記念!願他母親的罪過不被塗抹!
109:15 願這些罪常在耶和華面前,使他的名號斷絕於世!
109:16 因為他不想施恩,卻逼迫困苦窮乏的和傷心的人,要把他們治死。
109:17 他愛咒罵,咒罵就臨到他;他不喜愛福樂,福樂就與他遠離!
109:18 他拿咒罵當衣服穿上;這咒罵就如水進他裡面,像油入他的骨頭。
109:19 願這咒罵當他遮身的衣服,當他常束的腰帶!
109:20 這就是我對頭和用惡言議論我的人從耶和華那裡所受的報應。
109:21 主─耶和華啊,求你為你的名恩待我;因你的慈愛美好,求你搭救我!
109:22 因為我困苦窮乏,內心受傷。
109:23 我如日影漸漸偏斜而去;我如蝗蟲被抖出來。
109:24 我因禁食,膝骨軟弱;我身上的肉也漸漸瘦了。
109:25 我受他們的羞辱,他們看見我便搖頭。
109:26 耶和華─我的 神啊,求你幫助我,照你的慈愛拯救我,
109:27 使他們知道這是你的手,是你─耶和華所行的事。
109:28 任憑他們咒罵,惟願你賜福;他們幾時起來就必蒙羞,你的僕人卻要歡喜。
109:29 願我的對頭披戴羞辱!願他們以自己的羞愧為外袍遮身!
109:30 我要用口極力稱謝耶和華;我要在眾人中間讚美他;
109:31 因為他必站在窮乏人的右邊,要救他脫離審判他靈魂的人。
默想: 當大衛遇到敵人對他的猛烈迫害時,他向上帝發出咒詛的禱告。大衛這樣禱告,乃是因為心中充滿了壓力、窘迫,他必須在禱告中找到一個出口。我們的上帝是慈愛的,是聽禱告的上帝。所以,大衛得以坦然無懼地來到祂的面前,向祂陳述一切的痛苦,甚至咒詛他的仇敵。當我們看大衛的禱告時,應當有一個重要的體認,大衛雖然咒詛他的敵人,不代表他就用激烈的行動來報復。因為在大衛生命中,對他迫害最深的兩個人,一個是掃羅,一個是他的兒子押沙龍。大衛都未曾伸手加害他們,甚至當他們死亡後,大衛都流露出極深的哀傷。所以,大衛雖然咒詛他的敵人,但是卻沒有申手加害敵人。這是我們可以學習的,我們把壓力、困難帶到上帝的面前,但是,不是把不滿、敵對的態度帶到「對方」的面前。
題目: 大衛王在詩篇109篇用惡言咒詛他的敵人,你對此有何感想呢?
108:1 (大衛的詩歌。) 神啊,我心堅定;我口(原文是榮耀)要唱詩歌頌!
A Song or Psalm of David. O God, my heart is fixed; I will sing and give praise, even with my glory.
108:2 琴瑟啊,你們當醒起!我自己要極早醒起!
Awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early.
108:3 耶和華啊,我要在萬民中稱謝你,在列邦中歌頌你!
I will praise thee, O LORD, among the people: and I will sing praises unto thee among the nations.
108:4 因為,你的慈愛大過諸天;你的誠實達到穹蒼。
For thy mercy is great above the heavens: and thy truth reacheth unto the clouds. clouds: or, skies
108:5 神啊,願你崇高過於諸天!願你的榮耀高過全地!
Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens: and thy glory above all the earth;
108:6 求你應允我們,用右手拯救我們,好叫你所親愛的人得救。
That thy beloved may be delivered: save with thy right hand, and answer me.
108:7 神已經指著他的聖潔說(說:或譯應許我):我要歡樂;我要分開示劍,丈量疏割谷。
God hath spoken in his holiness; I will rejoice, I will divide Shechem, and mete out the valley of Succoth.
108:8 基列是我的;瑪拿西是我的;以法蓮是護衛我頭的;猶大是我的杖;
Gilead is mine; Manasseh is mine; Ephraim also is the strength of mine head; Judah is my lawgiver;
108:9 摩押是我的沐浴盆;我要向以東拋鞋;我必因勝非利士呼喊。
Moab is my washpot; over Edom will I cast out my shoe; over Philistia will I triumph.
108:10 誰能領我進堅固城?誰能引我到以東地?
Who will bring me into the strong city? who will lead me into Edom?
108:11 神啊,你不是丟棄了我們嗎? 神啊,你不和我們的軍兵同去嗎?
Wilt not thou , O God, who hast cast us off? and wilt not thou, O God, go forth with our hosts?
108:12 求你幫助我們攻擊敵人,因為人的幫助是枉然的。
Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man.
108:13 我們倚靠 神才得施展大能,因為踐踏我們敵人的就是他。
Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies.
109:1 (大衛的詩,交與伶長。)我所讚美的 神啊,求你不要閉口不言。
To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. Hold not thy peace, O God of my praise;
109:2 因為惡人的嘴和詭詐人的口已經張開攻擊我;他們用撒謊的舌頭對我說話。
For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful are opened against me: they have spoken against me with a lying tongue. of the deceitful: Heb. of deceit are opened: Heb. have opened themselves
109:3 他們圍繞我,說怨恨的話,又無故地攻打我。
They compassed me about also with words of hatred; and fought against me without a cause.
109:4 他們與我為敵以報我愛,但我專心祈禱。
For my love they are my adversaries: but I give myself unto prayer.
109:5 他們向我以惡報善,以恨報愛。
And they have rewarded me evil for good, and hatred for my love.
109:6 願你派一個惡人轄制他,派一個對頭站在他右邊!
Set thou a wicked man over him: and let Satan stand at his right hand. Satan: or, an adversary
109:7 他受審判的時候,願他出來擔當罪名!願他的祈禱反成為罪!
When he shall be judged, let him be condemned: and let his prayer become sin. be condemned: Heb. go out guilty, or, wicked
109:8 願他的年日短少!願別人得他的職分!
Let his days be few; and let another take his office. office: or, charge
109:9 願他的兒女為孤兒,他的妻子為寡婦!
Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow.
109:10 願他的兒女漂流討飯,從他們荒涼之處出來求食!
Let his children be continually vagabonds, and beg: let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places.
109:11 願強暴的債主牢籠他一切所有的!願外人搶他勞碌得來的!
Let the extortioner catch all that he hath; and let the strangers spoil his labour.
109:12 願無人向他延綿施恩!願無人可憐他的孤兒!
Let there be none to extend mercy unto him: neither let there be any to favour his fatherless children.
109:13 願他的後人斷絕,名字被塗抹,不傳於下代!
Let his posterity be cut off; and in the generation following let their name be blotted out.
109:14 願他祖宗的罪孽被耶和華記念!願他母親的罪過不被塗抹!
Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with the LORD; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out.
109:15 願這些罪常在耶和華面前,使他的名號斷絕於世!
Let them be before the LORD continually, that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth.
109:16 因為他不想施恩,卻逼迫困苦窮乏的和傷心的人,要把他們治死。
Because that he remembered not to shew mercy, but persecuted the poor and needy man, that he might even slay the broken in heart.
109:17 他愛咒罵,咒罵就臨到他;他不喜愛福樂,福樂就與他遠離!
As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him.
109:18 他拿咒罵當衣服穿上;這咒罵就如水進他裡面,像油入他的骨頭。
As he clothed himself with cursing like as with his garment, so let it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones. into his bowels: Heb. within him
109:19 願這咒罵當他遮身的衣服,當他常束的腰帶!
Let it be unto him as the garment which covereth him, and for a girdle wherewith he is girded continually.
109:20 這就是我對頭和用惡言議論我的人從耶和華那裡所受的報應。
Let this be the reward of mine adversaries from the LORD, and of them that speak evil against my soul.
109:21 主─耶和華啊,求你為你的名恩待我;因你的慈愛美好,求你搭救我!
But do thou for me, O GOD the Lord, for thy name's sake: because thy mercy is good, deliver thou me.
109:22 因為我困苦窮乏,內心受傷。
For I am poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me.
109:23 我如日影漸漸偏斜而去;我如蝗蟲被抖出來。
I am gone like the shadow when it declineth: I am tossed up and down as the locust.
109:24 我因禁食,膝骨軟弱;我身上的肉也漸漸瘦了。
My knees are weak through fasting; and my flesh faileth of fatness.
109:25 我受他們的羞辱,他們看見我便搖頭。
I became also a reproach unto them: when they looked upon me they shaked their heads.
109:26 耶和華─我的 神啊,求你幫助我,照你的慈愛拯救我,
Help me, O LORD my God: O save me according to thy mercy:
109:27 使他們知道這是你的手,是你─耶和華所行的事。
That they may know that this is thy hand; that thou, LORD, hast done it.
109:28 任憑他們咒罵,惟願你賜福;他們幾時起來就必蒙羞,你的僕人卻要歡喜。
Let them curse, but bless thou: when they arise, let them be ashamed; but let thy servant rejoice.
109:29 願我的對頭披戴羞辱!願他們以自己的羞愧為外袍遮身!
Let mine adversaries be clothed with shame, and let them cover themselves with their own confusion, as with a mantle.
109:30 我要用口極力稱謝耶和華;我要在眾人中間讚美他;
I will greatly praise the LORD with my mouth; yea, I will praise him among the multitude.
109:31 因為他必站在窮乏人的右邊,要救他脫離審判他靈魂的人。
For he shall stand at the right hand of the poor, to save him from those that condemn his soul. those...: Heb. the judges of
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