Victorious King David
經文: 歷代志上 18:13-17 大衛在以東地設立防營,以東人就都歸服他。大衛無論往那裡去,耶和華都使他得勝。大衛作以色列眾人的王,又向眾民秉公行義。洗魯雅的兒子約押作元帥;亞希律的兒子約沙法作史官;亞希突的兒子撒督和亞比亞他的兒子亞希米勒作祭司長;沙威沙作書記;耶何耶大的兒子比拿雅統轄基利提人和比利提人。大衛的眾子都在王的左右作領袖。
默想: 本段經文讓我們看到大衛王必須經過南征北討的慘烈戰爭,才能過建立他富強的國度。大衛王得到耶和華的祝福與保守,讓他每次出師都凱旋而歸。大衛王所統治的版圖也因此擴展,大衛在各個被他征服的地區設立防營。大衛在國內治理百姓是秉公行義。大衛王還授權他手下的文武百官、宗教歷史,都有人負責。如此才能夠建立一個可強可久的國度。求主幫助和平教會,能夠學習大衛的榜樣,奮力拓展上帝的國度,依照個人的恩賜,建立完善的組織制度。好讓和平教會能夠在上帝面前,蒙神悅納與祝福。
題目: 彌迦書說「伸張正義,實行不變的愛,謙卑地跟我們的上帝同行。」(彌6:8)而大衛正是「秉公行義」治理以色列民(v14)。試問平民百姓的我們,如何實踐這裡所說的「秉公行義」?
18:1 此後,大衛攻打非利士人,把他們治服,從他們手下奪取了迦特和屬迦特的村莊;
After this David defeated the Philistines and subdued them, and he took Gath and its villages out of the hand of the Philistines.
18:2 又攻打摩押,摩押人就歸服大衛,給他進貢。
And he defeated Moab, and the Mo'abites became servants to David and brought tribute.
18:3 瑣巴王哈大利謝【撒下八章三節作哈大底謝】往伯拉河去,要堅定自己的國權,大衛就攻打他,直到哈馬,
David also defeated Hadade'zer king of Zobah, toward Hamath, as he went to set up his monument at the river Euphra'tes.
18:4 奪了他的戰車一千,馬兵七千,步兵二萬,將拉戰車的馬砍斷蹄筋,但留下一百輛車的馬。
And David took from him a thousand chariots, seven thousand horsemen, and twenty thousand foot soldiers; and David hamstrung all the chariot horses, but left enough for a hundred chariots.
18:5 大馬士革的亞蘭人來幫助瑣巴王哈大利謝,大衛就殺了亞蘭人二萬二千。
And when the Syrians of Damascus came to help Hadade'zer king of Zobah, David slew twenty-two thousand men of the Syrians.
18:6 於是大衛在大馬士革的亞蘭地設立防營,亞蘭人就歸服他,給他進貢。大衛無論往哪裡去,耶和華都使他得勝。
Then David put garrisons in Syria of Damascus; and the Syrians became servants to David, and brought tribute. And the LORD gave victory to David wherever he went.
18:7 他奪了哈大利謝臣僕所拿的金盾牌帶到耶路撒冷。
And David took the shields of gold which were carried by the servants of Hadade'zer, and brought them to Jerusalem.
18:8 大衛又從屬哈大利謝的提巴【或作比他】和均二城中奪取了許多的銅。後來所羅門用此製造銅海、銅柱,和一切的銅器。
And from Tibhath and from Cun, cities of Hadade'zer, David took very much bronze; with it Solomon made the bronze sea and the pillars and the vessels of bronze.
18:9 哈馬王陀烏聽見大衛殺敗瑣巴王哈大利謝的全軍,
When To'u king of Hamath heard that David had defeated the whole army of Hadade'zer, king of Zobah,
18:10 就打發他兒子哈多蘭去見大衛王,問他的安,為他祝福,因為他殺敗了哈大利謝〈原來陀烏與哈大利謝常常爭戰〉。哈多蘭帶了金銀銅的各樣器皿來。
he sent his son Hador'am to King David, to greet him, and to congratulate him because he had fought against Hadade'zer and defeated him; for Hadade'zer had often been at war with To'u. And he sent all sorts of articles of gold, of silver, and of bronze;
18:11 大衛王將這些器皿,並從各國奪來的金銀,就是從以東、摩押、亞捫、非利士、亞瑪力人所奪來的,都分別為聖獻給耶和華。
these also King David dedicated to the LORD, together with the silver and gold which he had carried off from all the nations, from Edom, Moab, the Ammonites, the Philistines, and Am'alek.
18:12 洗魯雅的兒子亞比篩在鹽谷擊殺了以東一萬八千人。
And Abi'shai, the son of Zeru'iah, slew eighteen thousand E'domites in the Valley of Salt.
18:13 大衛在以東地設立防營,以東人就都歸服他。大衛無論往哪裡去,耶和華都使他得勝。
And he put garrisons in Edom; and all the E'domites became David's servants. And the LORD gave victory to David wherever he went.
18:14 大衛作以色列眾人的王,又向眾民秉公行義。
So David reigned over all Israel; and he administered justice and equity to all his people.
18:15 洗魯雅的兒子約押作元帥;亞希律的兒子約沙法作史官;
And Jo'ab the son of Zeru'iah was over the army; and Jehosh'aphat the son of Ahi'lud was recorder;
18:16 亞希突的兒子撒督和亞比亞他的兒子亞希米勒作祭司長;沙威沙作書記;
and Zadok the son of Ahi'tub and Ahim'elech the son of Abi'athar were priests; and Shavsha was secretary;
18:17 耶何耶大的兒子比拿雅統轄基利提人和比利提人。大衛的眾子都在王的左右作領袖。
and Benai'ah the son of Jehoi'ada was over the Cher'ethites and the Pel'ethites; and David's sons were the chief officials in the service of the king.
After this David defeated the Philistines and subdued them, and he took Gath and its villages out of the hand of the Philistines.
18:2 又攻打摩押,摩押人就歸服大衛,給他進貢。
And he defeated Moab, and the Mo'abites became servants to David and brought tribute.
18:3 瑣巴王哈大利謝【撒下八章三節作哈大底謝】往伯拉河去,要堅定自己的國權,大衛就攻打他,直到哈馬,
David also defeated Hadade'zer king of Zobah, toward Hamath, as he went to set up his monument at the river Euphra'tes.
18:4 奪了他的戰車一千,馬兵七千,步兵二萬,將拉戰車的馬砍斷蹄筋,但留下一百輛車的馬。
And David took from him a thousand chariots, seven thousand horsemen, and twenty thousand foot soldiers; and David hamstrung all the chariot horses, but left enough for a hundred chariots.
18:5 大馬士革的亞蘭人來幫助瑣巴王哈大利謝,大衛就殺了亞蘭人二萬二千。
And when the Syrians of Damascus came to help Hadade'zer king of Zobah, David slew twenty-two thousand men of the Syrians.
18:6 於是大衛在大馬士革的亞蘭地設立防營,亞蘭人就歸服他,給他進貢。大衛無論往哪裡去,耶和華都使他得勝。
Then David put garrisons in Syria of Damascus; and the Syrians became servants to David, and brought tribute. And the LORD gave victory to David wherever he went.
18:7 他奪了哈大利謝臣僕所拿的金盾牌帶到耶路撒冷。
And David took the shields of gold which were carried by the servants of Hadade'zer, and brought them to Jerusalem.
18:8 大衛又從屬哈大利謝的提巴【或作比他】和均二城中奪取了許多的銅。後來所羅門用此製造銅海、銅柱,和一切的銅器。
And from Tibhath and from Cun, cities of Hadade'zer, David took very much bronze; with it Solomon made the bronze sea and the pillars and the vessels of bronze.
18:9 哈馬王陀烏聽見大衛殺敗瑣巴王哈大利謝的全軍,
When To'u king of Hamath heard that David had defeated the whole army of Hadade'zer, king of Zobah,
18:10 就打發他兒子哈多蘭去見大衛王,問他的安,為他祝福,因為他殺敗了哈大利謝〈原來陀烏與哈大利謝常常爭戰〉。哈多蘭帶了金銀銅的各樣器皿來。
he sent his son Hador'am to King David, to greet him, and to congratulate him because he had fought against Hadade'zer and defeated him; for Hadade'zer had often been at war with To'u. And he sent all sorts of articles of gold, of silver, and of bronze;
18:11 大衛王將這些器皿,並從各國奪來的金銀,就是從以東、摩押、亞捫、非利士、亞瑪力人所奪來的,都分別為聖獻給耶和華。
these also King David dedicated to the LORD, together with the silver and gold which he had carried off from all the nations, from Edom, Moab, the Ammonites, the Philistines, and Am'alek.
18:12 洗魯雅的兒子亞比篩在鹽谷擊殺了以東一萬八千人。
And Abi'shai, the son of Zeru'iah, slew eighteen thousand E'domites in the Valley of Salt.
18:13 大衛在以東地設立防營,以東人就都歸服他。大衛無論往哪裡去,耶和華都使他得勝。
And he put garrisons in Edom; and all the E'domites became David's servants. And the LORD gave victory to David wherever he went.
18:14 大衛作以色列眾人的王,又向眾民秉公行義。
So David reigned over all Israel; and he administered justice and equity to all his people.
18:15 洗魯雅的兒子約押作元帥;亞希律的兒子約沙法作史官;
And Jo'ab the son of Zeru'iah was over the army; and Jehosh'aphat the son of Ahi'lud was recorder;
18:16 亞希突的兒子撒督和亞比亞他的兒子亞希米勒作祭司長;沙威沙作書記;
and Zadok the son of Ahi'tub and Ahim'elech the son of Abi'athar were priests; and Shavsha was secretary;
18:17 耶何耶大的兒子比拿雅統轄基利提人和比利提人。大衛的眾子都在王的左右作領袖。
and Benai'ah the son of Jehoi'ada was over the Cher'ethites and the Pel'ethites; and David's sons were the chief officials in the service of the king.
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