W5 2012-05-25 (撒上27)
經文: 撒母耳記上 27:8-12 大衛和跟隨他的人上去,侵奪基述人、基色人、亞瑪力人之地。這幾族歷來住在那地,從書珥直到埃及。大衛擊殺那地的人,無論男女都沒有留下一個,又奪獲牛、羊、駱駝、驢,並衣服,回來見亞吉。亞吉說:「你們今日侵奪了什麼地方呢?」大衛說:「侵奪了猶大的南方、耶拉篾的南方、基尼的南方。」無論男女,大衛沒有留下一個帶到迦特來。他說:「恐怕他們將我們的事告訴人,說大衛住在非利士地的時候常常這樣行。」亞吉信了大衛,心裡說:「大衛使本族以色列人憎惡他,所以他必永遠作我的僕人了。」
默想: 大衛三番兩次的被掃羅追殺,雖然耶和華幾次警告掃羅王,但是掃羅王想要追殺大衛的決心,似乎並沒有減少。最後終於逼得大衛要選擇偷渡到海外的下策,希望能夠讓掃羅王放棄繼續追殺他。但是,大衛逃到國外,卻是住進敵對國家非利士人的勢力範圍。大衛的處境,並不一定會比較安全。他必需持續取得資源,好維持追隨他六百人以及家眷的生計。在國外,他似乎無法像在國內一樣,可以用收保護費的方式來得到足夠的維持生計的資源,國外的地盤,可能已經有國外的黑道分據。大衛只好挺而走險,做打家劫舍的事來奪取生存資源。但是為了謀取亞吉王的信任,大衛雖然劫殺的都是異國地區,像基述人、基色人、亞瑪力人之地,但是大衛卻必須將該地人口完全勦滅,不留活口,而且大衛還須要編造謊言,告訴亞吉王,他所劫殺的地區,是屬於以色列人所居住的猶大的南方、耶拉篾的南方、基尼的南方。大衛用這個計謀,來爭取亞吉王的信任。我們在此看到的是,大衛為了自己以及跟隨他的六百人與眷屬的生計,所作所為實在無法榮神益人。舊約聖經在此只是忠實記下大衛在目前處境下面的作為。求主幫助我,能夠從大衛的生平中,學到我該學的屬靈功課。也讓我知道,大衛雖然是合神心意的人,還是有他的軟弱與缺點。
題目: 大衛因怕掃羅再追殺他,跑到非利士地,投奔亞吉王。但為了取於亞吉王,他選擇欺騙的方式(v8-12)。試想,大衛為圓這謊,又作了哪些事情?我們在生活中,曾否陷入與大衛相似的情境,而需面對是否說謊的選擇?
27:1 大衛心裡說:「必有一日我死在掃羅手裡,不如逃奔非利士地去。掃羅見我不在以色列的境內,就必絕望,不再尋索我;這樣我可以脫離他的手。」
And David said in his heart, "I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul; there is nothing better for me than that I should escape to the land of the Philistines; then Saul will despair of seeking me any longer within the borders of Israel, and I shall escape out of his hand."
27:2 於是大衛起身,和跟隨他的六百人投奔迦特王─瑪俄的兒子亞吉去了。
So David arose and went over, he and the six hundred men who were with him, to A'chish the son of Ma'och, king of Gath.
27:3 大衛和他的兩個妻,就是耶斯列人亞希暖和作過拿八妻的迦密人亞比該,並跟隨他的人,連各人的眷屬,都住在迦特的亞吉那裡。
And David dwelt with A'chish at Gath, he and his men, every man with his household, and David with his two wives, Ahin'o-am of Jezreel, and Ab'igail of Carmel, Nabal's widow.
27:4 有人告訴掃羅說:「大衛逃到迦特。」掃羅就不再尋索他了。
And when it was told Saul that David had fled to Gath, he sought for him no more.
27:5 大衛對亞吉說:「我若在你眼前蒙恩,求你在京外的城邑中賜我一個地方居住。僕人何必與王同住京都呢?」
Then David said to A'chish, "If I have found favor in your eyes, let a place be given me in one of the country towns, that I may dwell there; for why should your servant dwell in the royal city with you?"
27:6 當日亞吉將洗革拉賜給他,因此洗革拉屬猶大王,直到今日。
So that day A'chish gave him Ziklag; therefore Ziklag has belonged to the kings of Judah to this day.
27:7 大衛在非利士地住了一年零四個月。
And the number of the days that David dwelt in the country of the Philistines was a year and four months.
27:8 大衛和跟隨他的人上去,侵奪基述人、基色人、亞瑪力人之地。這幾族歷來住在那地,從書珥直到埃及。
Now David and his men went up, and made raids upon the Gesh'urites, the Gir'zites, and the Amal'ekites; for these were the inhabitants of the land from of old, as far as Shur, to the land of Egypt.
27:9 大衛擊殺那地的人,無論男女都沒有留下一個,又奪獲牛、羊、駱駝、驢,並衣服,回來見亞吉。
And David smote the land, and left neither man nor woman alive, but took away the sheep, the oxen, the asses, the camels, and the garments, and came back to A'chish.
27:10 亞吉說:「你們今日侵奪了甚麼地方呢?」大衛說:「侵奪了猶大的南方、耶拉篾的南方、基尼的南方。」
When A'chish asked, "Against whom have you made a raid today?" David would say, "Against the Negeb of Judah," or "Against the Negeb of the Jerah'meelites," or, "Against the Negeb of the Ken'ites."
27:11 無論男女,大衛沒有留下一個帶到迦特來。他說:「恐怕他們將我們的事告訴人,說大衛住在非利士地的時候常常這樣行。」
And David saved neither man nor woman alive, to bring tidings to Gath, thinking, "Lest they should tell about us, and say, `So David has done.'" Such was his custom all the while he dwelt in the country of the Philistines.
27:12 亞吉信了大衛,心裡說:「大衛使本族以色列人憎惡他,所以他必永遠作我的僕人了。」
And A'chish trusted David, thinking, "He has made himself utterly abhorred by his people Israel; therefore he shall be my servant always."
And David said in his heart, "I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul; there is nothing better for me than that I should escape to the land of the Philistines; then Saul will despair of seeking me any longer within the borders of Israel, and I shall escape out of his hand."
27:2 於是大衛起身,和跟隨他的六百人投奔迦特王─瑪俄的兒子亞吉去了。
So David arose and went over, he and the six hundred men who were with him, to A'chish the son of Ma'och, king of Gath.
27:3 大衛和他的兩個妻,就是耶斯列人亞希暖和作過拿八妻的迦密人亞比該,並跟隨他的人,連各人的眷屬,都住在迦特的亞吉那裡。
And David dwelt with A'chish at Gath, he and his men, every man with his household, and David with his two wives, Ahin'o-am of Jezreel, and Ab'igail of Carmel, Nabal's widow.
27:4 有人告訴掃羅說:「大衛逃到迦特。」掃羅就不再尋索他了。
And when it was told Saul that David had fled to Gath, he sought for him no more.
27:5 大衛對亞吉說:「我若在你眼前蒙恩,求你在京外的城邑中賜我一個地方居住。僕人何必與王同住京都呢?」
Then David said to A'chish, "If I have found favor in your eyes, let a place be given me in one of the country towns, that I may dwell there; for why should your servant dwell in the royal city with you?"
27:6 當日亞吉將洗革拉賜給他,因此洗革拉屬猶大王,直到今日。
So that day A'chish gave him Ziklag; therefore Ziklag has belonged to the kings of Judah to this day.
27:7 大衛在非利士地住了一年零四個月。
And the number of the days that David dwelt in the country of the Philistines was a year and four months.
27:8 大衛和跟隨他的人上去,侵奪基述人、基色人、亞瑪力人之地。這幾族歷來住在那地,從書珥直到埃及。
Now David and his men went up, and made raids upon the Gesh'urites, the Gir'zites, and the Amal'ekites; for these were the inhabitants of the land from of old, as far as Shur, to the land of Egypt.
27:9 大衛擊殺那地的人,無論男女都沒有留下一個,又奪獲牛、羊、駱駝、驢,並衣服,回來見亞吉。
And David smote the land, and left neither man nor woman alive, but took away the sheep, the oxen, the asses, the camels, and the garments, and came back to A'chish.
27:10 亞吉說:「你們今日侵奪了甚麼地方呢?」大衛說:「侵奪了猶大的南方、耶拉篾的南方、基尼的南方。」
When A'chish asked, "Against whom have you made a raid today?" David would say, "Against the Negeb of Judah," or "Against the Negeb of the Jerah'meelites," or, "Against the Negeb of the Ken'ites."
27:11 無論男女,大衛沒有留下一個帶到迦特來。他說:「恐怕他們將我們的事告訴人,說大衛住在非利士地的時候常常這樣行。」
And David saved neither man nor woman alive, to bring tidings to Gath, thinking, "Lest they should tell about us, and say, `So David has done.'" Such was his custom all the while he dwelt in the country of the Philistines.
27:12 亞吉信了大衛,心裡說:「大衛使本族以色列人憎惡他,所以他必永遠作我的僕人了。」
And A'chish trusted David, thinking, "He has made himself utterly abhorred by his people Israel; therefore he shall be my servant always."
回覆刪除「大衛和跟隨他的人上去,侵奪基述人、基色人、亞瑪力人之地。這幾族歷來住在那地,從書珥直到埃及。大衛擊殺那地的人,無論男女都沒有留下一個,又奪獲牛、羊、駱駝、驢,並衣服,回來見亞吉。亞吉說:「你們今日侵奪了什麼地方呢?」大衛說:「侵奪了猶大的南方、耶拉篾的南方、基尼的南方。」無論男女,大衛沒有留下一個帶到迦特來。他說:「恐怕他們將我們的事告訴人,說大衛住在非利士地的時候常常這樣行。」亞吉信了大衛,心裡說:「大衛使本族以色列人憎惡他,所以他必永遠作我的僕人了。」(撒母耳記上 27:8-12)
求主幫助我們, 使我們在面對一些看來是艱難,不可能的事情時,不要用人的方法,用欺騙的方法來做事。要持守真道,信靠神,照聖經典原則做事,我們可能為此,附上代價,失去工作,失去掌聲,但為主的緣故,主知道,我們所做的,祂在天上查看。是就說是,不是就說不是,來過得勝的生活。