W2 2013-03-05 (約伯記6)
經文: 十五14-18
6:14 那將要灰心、離棄全能者、不敬畏 神的人,他的朋友當以慈愛待他。
6:15 我的弟兄詭詐,好像溪水,又像溪水流乾的河道。
6:16 這河因結冰發黑,有雪藏在其中;
6:17 天氣漸暖就隨時消化,日頭炎熱便從原處乾涸。
6:18 結伴的客旅離棄大道,順河偏行,到荒野之地死亡。
默想: 提幔人以利法原本是要來安慰約伯,但是他的言論不但沒有安慰到約伯,反而讓約伯覺得受傷。約伯控訴他的朋友「那將要灰心、離棄全能者,不敬畏上帝的人,他的朋友當以慈愛待他。」「我的弟兄詭詐,好像溪水,又像溪水流乾的河道。」(14-15)約伯埋怨他的朋友來到身邊,看起來好像要安慰他的傷痛,但是,他們卻苦苦相逼要約伯承認自己是一個有罪的人,因為他們認為一定是約伯犯了罪,才會遭受這樣的災難。從某個角度來看,受到這種災難性的打擊,固然痛苦,但是更大的痛苦是我們的親朋好友,認為這種苦難是你自己的過犯造成的。對約伯來說,他的朋友指不出他有何過錯,卻片面武斷地認定約伯必定有隱藏的罪惡。這種主觀的想法,不但沒有辦法安慰到約伯,甚至是在約伯的傷口上撒鹽。約伯批評他的朋友是「溪水流乾的河道」就如同那在夏天時乾涸的溪水,當口渴的旅者走到溪邊的時候,沒有辦法得到任何的幫忙,只有徒然的失望。約伯認為他的這些朋友,所給他的建議、要他認罪,只是讓他在苦難中,更加痛苦、失望。也這這些朋友是出於好意,但是沒有同理、只有主觀的判斷,所帶給人的傷害卻是更大的。
題目: 我們應該如何對待那些因為遭遇大苦難而感到灰心、離棄全能者、不敬畏神的朋友呢?
6:1 約伯回答說:
Then Job answered:
6:2 惟願我的煩惱稱一稱,我一切的災害放在天平裡;
"O that my vexation were weighed, and all my calamity laid in the balances!
6:3 現今都比海沙更重,所以我的言語急躁。
For then it would be heavier than the sand of the sea; therefore my words have been rash.
6:4 因全能者的箭射入我身;其毒,我的靈喝盡了; 神的驚嚇擺陣攻擊我。
For the arrows of the Almighty are in me; my spirit drinks their poison; the terrors of God are arrayed against me.
6:5 野驢有草豈能叫喚?牛有料豈能吼叫?
Does the wild ass bray when he has grass, or the ox low over his fodder?
6:6 物淡而無鹽豈可吃嗎?蛋青有甚麼滋味呢?
Can that which is tasteless be eaten without salt, or is there any taste in the slime of the purslane?
6:7 看為可厭的食物,我心不肯挨近。
My appetite refuses to touch them; they are as food that is loathsome to me.
6:8 惟願我得著所求的,願 神賜我所切望的;
"O that I might have my request, and that God would grant my desire;
6:9 就是願 神把我壓碎,伸手將我剪除。
that it would please God to crush me, that he would let loose his hand and cut me off!
6:10 我因沒有違棄那聖者的言語,就仍以此為安慰,在不止息的痛苦中還可踴躍。
This would be my consolation; I would even exult in pain unsparing; for I have not denied the words of the Holy One.
6:11 我有甚麼氣力使我等候?我有甚麼結局使我忍耐?
What is my strength, that I should wait? And what is my end, that I should be patient?
6:12 我的氣力豈是石頭的氣力?我的肉身豈是銅的呢?
Is my strength the strength of stones, or is my flesh bronze?
6:13 在我豈不是毫無幫助嗎?智慧豈不是從我心中趕出淨盡嗎?
In truth I have no help in me, and any resource is driven from me.
6:14 那將要灰心、離棄全能者、不敬畏 神的人,他的朋友當以慈愛待他。
"He who withholds kindness from a friend forsakes the fear of the Almighty.
6:15 我的弟兄詭詐,好像溪水,又像溪水流乾的河道。
My brethren are treacherous as a torrent-bed, as freshets that pass away,
6:16 這河因結冰發黑,有雪藏在其中;
which are dark with ice, and where the snow hides itself.
6:17 天氣漸暖就隨時消化,日頭炎熱便從原處乾涸。
In time of heat they disappear; when it is hot, they vanish from their place.
6:18 結伴的客旅離棄大道,順河偏行,到荒野之地死亡。
The caravans turn aside from their course; they go up into the waste, and perish.
6:19 提瑪結伴的客旅瞻望;示巴同夥的人等候。
The caravans of Tema look, the travelers of Sheba hope.
6:20 他們因失了盼望就抱愧,來到那裡便蒙羞。
They are disappointed because they were confident; they come thither and are confounded.
6:21 現在你們正是這樣,看見驚嚇的事便懼怕。
Such you have now become to me; you see my calamity, and are afraid.
6:22 我豈說:請你們供給我,從你們的財物中送禮物給我?
Have I said, `Make me a gift'? Or, `From your wealth offer a bribe for me'?
6:23 豈說:拯救我脫離敵人的手嗎?救贖我脫離強暴人的手嗎?
Or, `Deliver me from the adversary's hand'? Or, `Ransom me from the hand of oppressors'?
6:24 請你們教導我,我便不作聲;使我明白在何事上有錯。
"Teach me, and I will be silent; make me understand how I have erred.
6:25 正直的言語力量何其大!但你們責備是責備甚麼呢?
How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reprove?
6:26 絕望人的講論既然如風,你們還想要駁正言語嗎?
Do you think that you can reprove words, when the speech of a despairing man is wind?
6:27 你們想為孤兒拈鬮,以朋友當貨物。
You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargain over your friend.
6:28 現在請你們看看我,我決不當面說謊。
"But now, be pleased to look at me; for I will not lie to your face.
6:29 請你們轉意,不要不公;請再轉意,我的事有理。
Turn, I pray, let no wrong be done. Turn now, my vindication is at stake.
6:30 我的舌上豈有不義嗎?我的口裡豈不辨奸惡嗎?
Is there any wrong on my tongue? Cannot my taste discern calamity?
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