2012年4月16日 星期一

W2 2012-04-17 (得3)經文: 路得記 3:1 路得的婆婆拿俄米對他說:「女兒啊,我不當為你找個安身之處,使你享福嗎?

W2  2012-04-17 (3)
經文: 路得記 3:1 路得的婆婆拿俄米對他說:「女兒啊,我不當為你找個安身之處,使你享福嗎?

默想: 從 這句話我們看到路得與拿俄米婆媳之間存在著那種替對方著想的親情。當年拿俄米決定要從摩押隻身返回伯利恆時,兩個也是守寡的兒媳婦俄珥巴與路得都想要跟隨 拿俄米一起回到猶大地的伯利恆,好照顧年老的拿俄米。但是,拿俄米卻考慮到兩個兒媳婦還是年輕,應該要另外找人結婚,好安頓後半生的生活,因此,拿俄米立 勸兩個兒媳婦回到父親家中,等待再婚的機會。俄珥巴雖然心裡不捨,最後還是聽從婆婆的建議,與婆婆淚眼道別而回家去了。只是路得卻堅決要跟隨拿俄米返鄉。 路得說,不要催我回去不跟隨你。你往那裡去,我也往那裡去;你在那裡住宿,我也在那裡住宿;你的國就是我的國,你的神就是我的神。你在那裡死,我也在那裡 死,也葬在那裡。除非死能使你我相離!不然,願耶和華重重的降罰與我。拿俄米就尊重路得的決定而帶領路得回到伯利恆。路得也盡兒媳婦的孝道努力撿拾麥穗來 供養婆蔢拿俄米。當拿俄米看到波阿斯是一位可以照顧路得的後半生很理想的對象時,他完全沒有考慮到自己的照顧問題,立刻主動的向路得提出如何接近波阿斯, 以表達自己須要波阿斯以近親身份來照顧的建議。路得也很順從的遵照拿俄米的建議去做。這是何等讓人佩服並羨慕的婆媳親情。

題目: 婆媳合作尋找歸宿,波阿斯遵守摩西律法(25:5-10)盡義務為去世的兄弟傳宗接代,完成的一件美事。試問,你若是這故事中的一角,你願意順服,一起完成上主的旨意嗎?(v5-13)

3:1  路得的婆婆拿俄米對她說:「女兒啊,我不當為你找個安身之處,使你享福嗎?
Then Naomi her mother in law said unto her, My daughter, shall I not seek rest for thee, that it may be well with thee?
2 你與波阿斯的使女常在一處,波阿斯不是我們的親族嗎?他今夜在場上簸大麥;
And now is not Boaz of our kindred, with whose maidens thou wast? Behold, he winnoweth barley to night in the threshingfloor.
3 你要沐浴抹膏,換上衣服,下到場上,卻不要使那人認出你來。你等他吃喝完了,
Wash thyself therefore, and anoint thee, and put thy raiment upon thee, and get thee down to the floor: but make not thyself known unto the man, until he shall have done eating and drinking.
4 到他睡的時候,你看準他睡的地方,就進去掀開他腳上的被,躺臥在那裡,他必告訴你所當做的事。」
And it shall be, when he lieth down, that thou shalt mark the place where he shall lie, and thou shalt go in, and uncover his feet, and lay thee down; and he will tell thee what thou shalt do. uncover: or, lift up the clothes that are on
5 路得說:「凡你所吩咐的,我必遵行。」
And she said unto her, All that thou sayest unto me I will do.
6 路得就下到場上,照她婆婆所吩咐她的而行。
And she went down unto the floor, and did according to all that her mother in law bade her.
7 波阿斯吃喝完了,心裡歡暢,就去睡在麥堆旁邊。路得便悄悄地來掀開他腳上的被,躺臥在那裡。
And when Boaz had eaten and drunk, and his heart was merry, he went to lie down at the end of the heap of corn: and she came softly, and uncovered his feet, and laid her down.
8 到了夜半,那人忽然驚醒,翻過身來,不料有女子躺在他的腳下。
And it came to pass at midnight, that the man was afraid, and turned himself: and, behold, a woman lay at his feet. turned: or, took hold on
9 他就說:「你是誰?」回答說:「我是你的婢女路得。求你用你的衣襟遮蓋我,因為你是我一個至近的親屬。」
And he said, Who art thou? And she answered, I am Ruth thine handmaid: spread therefore thy skirt over thine handmaid; for thou art a near kinsman. a near...: or, one that hath right to redeem
10 波阿斯說:「女兒啊,願你蒙耶和華賜福。你末後的恩比先前更大;因為少年人無論貧富,你都沒有跟從。
And he said, Blessed be thou of the LORD, my daughter: for thou hast shewed more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning, inasmuch as thou followedst not young men, whether poor or rich.
11 女兒啊,現在不要懼怕,凡你所說的,我必照著行;我本城的人都知道你是個賢德的女子。
And now, my daughter, fear not; I will do to thee all that thou requirest: for all the city of my people doth know that thou art a virtuous woman. city: Heb. gate
12 我實在是你一個至近的親屬,只是還有一個人比我更近。
And now it is true that I am thy near kinsman: howbeit there is a kinsman nearer than I.
13 你今夜在這裡住宿,明早他若肯為你盡親屬的本分,就由他吧!倘若不肯,我指著永生的耶和華起誓,我必為你盡了本分,你只管躺到天亮。」
Tarry this night, and it shall be in the morning, that if he will perform unto thee the part of a kinsman, well; let him do the kinsman's part: but if he will not do the part of a kinsman to thee, then will I do the part of a kinsman to thee, as the LORD liveth: lie down until the morning.
14 路得便在他腳下躺到天快亮,人彼此不能辨認的時候就起來了。波阿斯說:「不可使人知道有女子到場上來」;
And she lay at his feet until the morning: and she rose up before one could know another. And he said, Let it not be known that a woman came into the floor.
15 又對路得說:「打開你所披的外衣。」她打開了,波阿斯就撮了六簸箕大麥,幫她扛在肩上,她便進城去了。
Also he said, Bring the vail that thou hast upon thee, and hold it. And when she held it, he measured six measures of barley, and laid it on her: and she went into the city. vail: or, sheet, or, apron
16 路得回到婆婆那裡,婆婆說:「女兒啊,怎麼樣了?」路得就將那人向她所行的述說了一遍,
And when she came to her mother in law, she said, Who art thou, my daughter? And she told her all that the man had done to her.
17 又說:「那人給了我六簸箕大麥,對我說:『你不可空手回去見你的婆婆。』」
And she said, These six measures of barley gave he me; for he said to me, Go not empty unto thy mother in law.
18 婆婆說:「女兒啊,你只管安坐等候,看這事怎樣成就,因為那人今日不辦成這事必不休息。」
Then said she, Sit still, my daughter, until thou know how the matter will fall: for the man will not be in rest, until he have finished the thing this day.

1.  蔡茂堂牧�blog:  http://hopingtsaidevotion.blogspot.com/
2.  李晶晶牧�blog:  http://taipeihoping-chin.blogspot.com/



1 則留言:

  1. 「弟兄同居,若死了一個,沒有兒子,死人的妻不可出嫁外人,他丈夫的兄弟當盡弟兄的本分,娶他為妻,與他同房。婦人生的長子必歸死兄的名下,免得他的名在以色列中塗抹了。那人若不願意娶他哥哥的妻,他哥哥的妻就要到城門長老那裡,說:『我丈夫的兄弟不肯在以色列中興起他哥哥的名字,不給我盡弟兄的本分。』本城的長老就要召那人來問他,他若執意說:『我不願意娶他』,他哥哥的妻就要當著長老到那人的跟前,脫了他的鞋,吐唾沫在他臉上,說:『凡不為哥哥建立家室的都要這樣待他。』在以色列中,他的名必稱為脫鞋之家。」(申命記 25:5-10)

    波阿斯是路得死去丈夫的至近的親屬。他是一個完全遵守摩西律法(申25:5-10),盡義務為去世的兄弟傳宗接代, 完成的一件美事。


    但在21世紀的今天,我是中國人且已結了婚。這段猶太人的摩西律法(申命記 25:5-10),與我們的民法衝突,我的妻子還健在,不能再娶我已死去兄弟的妻子為妻,這犯了重婚罪。若為了繼承我已死去兄弟的財產,她不用改嫁,就可冠夫姓,繼承財產。所以那摩西律法(申命記 25:5-10)規定,並不適用於此。
