2011年2月21日 星期一

W1 2011-02-21(創37)經文: 創世紀 37:3 以色列原來愛約瑟過於愛他的眾子,因為約瑟是他年老生的; 他給約瑟做了一件彩衣。

W1  2011-02-21 (37)
經文: 創世紀 37:3 以色列原來愛約瑟過於愛他的眾子,因為約瑟是他年老生的; 他給約瑟做了一件彩衣。
默想: 這件彩衣述說著雅各對於十一位子女有著不一樣的父愛。這件彩衣, 也點燃了約瑟十位兄長的嫉妒與憤怒。這件彩衣, 在約瑟十位哥哥決定將約瑟出賣給來自米甸的以實瑪利商人時, 被他們從約瑟身上剝了下來,撕裂並染血, 用來欺騙年老的父親雅各。這件彩衣,讓雅各被十個兒子所騙, 誤以為約瑟在曠野被野獸吞食了,而為約瑟哀哭守喪。 求主讓我從這件彩衣學會對待子女不要偏心的功課。
題目: 在眾兄弟同謀要害約瑟時,呂便和猶大的建議是什麼? 你有何看法與回應?
37:1 雅各住在迦南地,就是他父親寄居的地。
Jacob dwelt in the land of his father's sojournings, in the land of Canaan .
雅各的記略如下。約瑟十七歲與他哥哥們一同牧羊。他是個童子, 與他父親的妾辟拉、悉帕的兒子們常在一處。 約瑟將他哥哥們的惡行報給他們的父親。
This is the history of the family of Jacob. Joseph, being seventeen years old, was shepherding the flock with his brothers; he was a lad with the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah, his father's wives; and Joseph brought an ill report of them to their father.
以色列原來愛約瑟過於愛他的眾子,因為約瑟是他年老生的; 他給約瑟做了一件彩衣。
Now Israel loved Joseph more than any other of his children, because he was the son of his old age; and he made him a long robe with sleeves.
約瑟的哥哥們見父親愛約瑟過於愛他們,就恨約瑟, 不與他說和睦的話。
But when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, they hated him, and could not speak peaceably to him.
Now Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers they only hated him the more.
He said to them, "Hear this dream which I have dreamed:
我們在田裡捆禾稼,我的捆起來站著,你們的捆來圍著我的捆下拜。 」
behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and lo, my sheaf arose and stood upright; and behold, your sheaves gathered round it, and bowed down to my sheaf."
他的哥哥們回答說:「難道你真要作我們的王嗎? 難道你真要管轄我們嗎?」他們就因為他的夢和他的話越發恨他。
His brothers said to him, "Are you indeed to reign over us? Or are you indeed to have dominion over us?" So they hated him yet more for his dreams and for his words.
後來他又做了一夢,也告訴他的哥哥們說:「看哪,我又做了一夢, 夢見太陽、月亮,與十一個星向我下拜。」
Then he dreamed another dream, and told it to his brothers, and said, "Behold, I have dreamed another dream; and behold, the sun, the moon, and eleven stars were bowing down to me."
約瑟將這夢告訴他父親和他哥哥們,他父親就責備他說:「 你做的這是甚麼夢!難道我和你母親、你弟兄果然要來俯伏在地, 向你下拜麼?」
But when he told it to his father and to his brothers, his father rebuked him, and said to him, "What is this dream that you have dreamed? Shall I and your mother and your brothers indeed come to bow ourselves to the ground before you?"
And his brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the saying in mind.
Now his brothers went to pasture their father's flock near Shechem.
以色列對約瑟說:「你哥哥們不是在示劍放羊嗎?你來, 我要打發你往他們那裡去。」約瑟說:「我在這裡。」
And Israel said to Joseph, "Are not your brothers pasturing the flock at Shechem? Come, I will send you to them." And he said to him, "Here I am."
以色列說:「你去看看你哥哥們平安不平安,群羊平安不平安, 就回來報信給我」;於是打發他出希伯崙谷,他就往示劍去了。
So he said to him, "Go now, see if it is well with your brothers, and with the flock; and bring me word again." So he sent him from the valley of Hebron , and he came to Shechem.
And a man found him wandering in the fields; and the man asked him, "What are you seeking?"
"I am seeking my brothers," he said, "tell me, I pray you, where they are pasturing the flock."
那人說:「他們已經走了,我聽見他們說要往多坍去。」 約瑟就去追趕他哥哥們,遇見他們在多坍。
And the man said, "They have gone away, for I heard them say, `Let us go to Dothan .'" So Joseph went after his brothers, and found them at Dothan .
They saw him afar off, and before he came near to them they conspired against him to kill him.
They said to one another, "Here comes this dreamer.
來吧!我們將他殺了,丟在一個坑裡,就說有惡獸把他吃了。 我們且看他的夢將來怎麼樣。」
Come now, let us kill him and throw him into one of the pits; then we shall say that a wild beast has devoured him, and we shall see what will become of his dreams."
But when Reuben heard it, he delivered him out of their hands, saying, "Let us not take his life."
又說:「不可流他的血,可以把他丟在這野地的坑裡, 不可下手害他」。流便的意思是要救他脫離他們的手, 把他歸還他的父親。
And Reuben said to them, "Shed no blood; cast him into this pit here in the wilderness, but lay no hand upon him" -- that he might rescue him out of their hand, to restore him to his father.
約瑟到了他哥哥們那裡,他們就剝了他的外衣, 就是他穿的那件彩衣,
So when Joseph came to his brothers, they stripped him of his robe, the long robe with sleeves that he wore;
and they took him and cast him into a pit. The pit was empty, there was no water in it.
他們坐下吃飯,舉目觀看,見有一夥米甸的以實瑪利人從基列來, 用駱駝馱著香料、乳香、沒藥,要帶下埃及去。
Then they sat down to eat; and looking up they saw a caravan of Ish'maelites coming from Gilead, with their camels bearing gum, balm, and myrrh, on their way to carry it down to Egypt.
Then Judah said to his brothers, "What profit is it if we slay our brother and conceal his blood?
我們不如將他賣給以實瑪利人,不可下手害他; 因為他是我們的兄弟,我們的骨肉。」眾弟兄就聽從了他。
Come, let us sell him to the Ish'maelites, and let not our hand be upon him, for he is our brother, our own flesh." And his brothers heeded him.
有些米甸的商人從那裡經過,哥哥們就把約瑟從坑裡拉上來, 講定二十舍客勒銀子,把約瑟賣給以實瑪利人。 他們就把約瑟帶到埃及去了。
Then Mid'ianite traders passed by; and they drew Joseph up and lifted him out of the pit, and sold him to the Ish'maelites for twenty shekels of silver; and they took Joseph to Egypt .
When Reuben returned to the pit and saw that Joseph was not in the pit, he rent his clothes
and returned to his brothers, and said, "The lad is gone; and I, where shall I go?"
Then they took Joseph's robe, and killed a goat, and dipped the robe in the blood;
打發人送到他們的父親那裡,說:「我們撿了這個; 請認一認是你兒子的外衣不是?」
and they sent the long robe with sleeves and brought it to their father, and said, "This we have found; see now whether it is your son's robe or not."
他認得,就說:「這是我兒子的外衣。有惡獸把他吃了, 約瑟被撕碎了!撕碎了!」
And he recognized it, and said, "It is my son's robe; a wild beast has devoured him; Joseph is without doubt torn to pieces."
Then Jacob rent his garments, and put sackcloth upon his loins, and mourned for his son many days.
他的兒女都起來安慰他,他卻不肯受安慰,說:「 我必悲哀著下陰間,到我兒子那裡。」約瑟的父親就為他哀哭。
All his sons and all his daughters rose up to comfort him; but he refused to be comforted, and said, "No, I shall go down to Sheol to my son, mourning." Thus his father wept for him.
37: 36 甸人帶約瑟到埃及,把他賣給法老的內臣─
Meanwhile the Mid'ianites had sold him in Egypt to Pot'i-phar, an officer of Pharaoh, the captain of the guard.


W1  2011-02-21 (33:15-34:12)
經文: 申命記 34:10 以後以色列中再沒有興起先知像摩西的。 他是耶和華面對面所認識的。
默想:摩西被耶和華選召,帶領六十萬以色列人出埃及、過紅海、 走曠野,卻沒有辦法完成帶領他們進入迦南應許美地的使命。 摩西最讓我羨慕的,不是他行十大神蹟, 讓法老不得不容許以色列人走出埃及的令人震撼的超能力, 也不是帶領一群叛逆成性、剛硬不馴、抱怨連天的六十萬以色列民, 在曠野漂流四十年的超人能耐,而是在這裡所提及的這句話, 他是和耶和華面對面所認識的。這是何等寶貴的恩典。 求主將這樣的恩典也賞賜給我。
題目:這裡提到 "以後以色列中再沒有興起先知像摩西的。" 但是在申命記18:15, 18,以及徒3:227:37 卻似乎有相反的描述,你對此有何看法呢?
33:1 以下是神人摩西在未死之先為以色列人所祝的福:
This is the blessing with which Moses the man of God blessed the children of Israel before his death.
他說:耶和華從西奈而來,從西珥向他們顯現,從巴蘭山發出光輝, 從萬萬聖者中來臨,從他右手為百姓傳出烈火的律法。
He said, "The LORD came from Sinai, and dawned from Se'ir upon us; he shone forth from Mount Paran , he came from the ten thousands of holy ones, with flaming fire at his right hand.
他疼愛百姓;眾聖徒都在他手中。他們坐在他的腳下, 領受他的言語。
Yea, he loved his people; all those consecrated to him were in his hand; so they followed in thy steps, receiving direction from thee,
when Moses commanded us a law, as a possession for the assembly of Jacob.
百姓的眾首領,以色列的各支派,一同聚會的時候,耶和華( 原文作他)在耶書崙中為王。
Thus the LORD became king in Jesh'urun, when the heads of the people were gathered, all the tribes of Israel together.
"Let Reuben live, and not die, nor let his men be few."
為猶大祝福說:求耶和華俯聽猶大的聲音,引導他歸於本族; 他曾用手為自己爭戰,你必幫助他攻擊敵人。
And this he said of Judah : "Hear, O LORD, the voice of Judah , and bring him in to his people. With thy hands contend for him, and be a help against his adversaries."
論利未說:耶和華啊,你的土明和烏陵都在你的虔誠人那裡。 你在瑪撒曾試驗他,在米利巴水與他爭論。
And of Levi he said, "Give to Levi thy Thummim, and thy Urim to thy godly one, whom thou didst test at Massah, with whom thou didst strive at the waters of Mer'ibah;
他論自己的父母說:我未曾看見;他也不承認弟兄, 也不認識自己的兒女。這是因利未人遵行你的話,謹守你的約。
who said of his father and mother, `I regard them not'; he disowned his brothers, and ignored his children. For they observed thy word, and kept thy covenant.
他們要將你的典章教訓雅各,將你的律法教訓以色列。 他們要把香焚在你面前,把全牲的燔祭獻在你的壇上。
They shall teach Jacob thy ordinances, and Israel thy law; they shall put incense before thee, and whole burnt offering upon thy altar.
求耶和華降福在他的財物上,悅納他手裡所辦的事。 那些起來攻擊他和恨惡他的人,願你刺透他們的腰, 使他們不得再起來。
Bless, O LORD, his substance, and accept the work of his hands; crush the loins of his adversaries, of those that hate him, that they rise not again."
論便雅憫說:耶和華所親愛的必同耶和華安然居住; 耶和華終日遮蔽他,也住在他兩肩之中。
Of Benjamin he said, "The beloved of the LORD, he dwells in safety by him; he encompasses him all the day long, and makes his dwelling between his shoulders."
論約瑟說:願他的地蒙耶和華賜福,得天上的寶物、甘露, 以及地裡所藏的泉水;
And of Joseph he said, "Blessed by the LORD be his land, with the choicest gifts of heaven above, and of the deep that couches beneath,
with the choicest fruits of the sun, and the rich yield of the months,
with the finest produce of the ancient mountains, and the abundance of the everlasting hills,
得地和其中所充滿的寶物,並住荊棘中上主的喜悅。 願這些福都歸於約瑟的頭上,歸於那與弟兄迥別之人的頂上。
with the best gifts of the earth and its fulness, and the favor of him that dwelt in the bush. Let these come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the crown of the head of him that is prince among his brothers.
他為牛群中頭生的,有威嚴;他的角是野牛的角,用以牴觸萬邦, 直到地極。這角是以法蓮的萬萬,瑪拿西的千千。
His firstling bull has majesty, and his horns are the horns of a wild ox; with them he shall push the peoples, all of them, to the ends of the earth; such are the ten thousands of E'phraim, and such are the thousands of Manas'seh."
論西布倫說:西布倫哪,你出外可以歡喜。以薩迦啊, 在你帳棚裡可以快樂。
And of Zeb'ulun he said, "Rejoice, Zeb'ulun, in your going out; and Is'sachar, in your tents.
他們要將列邦召到山上,在那裡獻公義的祭; 因為他們要吸取海裡的豐富,並沙中所藏的珍寶。
They shall call peoples to their mountain; there they offer right sacrifices; for they suck the affluence of the seas and the hidden treasures of the sand."
論迦得說:使迦得擴張的應當稱頌!迦得住如母獅;他撕裂膀臂, 連頭頂也撕裂。
And of Gad he said, "Blessed be he who enlarges Gad! Gad couches like a lion, he tears the arm, and the crown of the head.
他為自己選擇頭一段地,因在那裡有設立律法者的分存留。 他與百姓的首領同來; 他施行耶和華的公義和耶和華與以色列所立的典章。
He chose the best of the land for himself, for there a commander's portion was reserved; and he came to the heads of the people, with Israel he executed the commands and just decrees of the LORD."
And of Dan he said, "Dan is a lion's whelp, that leaps forth from Bashan ."
論拿弗他利說:拿弗他利啊,你足沾恩惠,滿得耶和華的福, 可以得西方和南方為業。
And of Naph'tali he said, "O Naph'tali, satisfied with favor, and full of the blessing of the LORD, possess the lake and the south."
論亞設說:願亞設享受多子的福樂,得他弟兄的喜悅, 可以把腳蘸在油中。
And of Asher he said, "Blessed above sons be Asher; let him be the favorite of his brothers, and let him dip his foot in oil.
你的門閂(門閂或作:鞋)是銅的,鐵的。你的日子如何, 你的力量也必如何。
Your bars shall be iron and bronze; and as your days, so shall your strength be.
耶書崙哪,沒有能比 神的。他為幫助你,乘在天空,顯其威榮,駕行穹蒼。
"There is none like God, O Jesh'urun, who rides through the heavens to your help, and in his majesty through the skies.
永生的 神是你的居所;他永久的膀臂在你以下。他在你前面攆出仇敵,說: 毀滅吧。
The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms. And he thrust out the enemy before you, and said, Destroy.
So Israel dwelt in safety, the fountain of Jacob alone, in a land of grain and wine; yea, his heavens drop down dew.
以色列啊,你是有福的!誰像你這蒙耶和華所拯救的百姓呢? 他是你的盾牌,幫助你,是你威榮的刀劍。你的仇敵必投降你; 你必踏在他們的高處。
Happy are you, O Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the LORD, the shield of your help, and the sword of your triumph! Your enemies shall come fawning to you; and you shall tread upon their high places."

34:1 摩西從摩押平原登尼波山,上了那與耶利哥相對的毘斯迦山頂。 耶和華把基列全地直到但,
And Moses went up from the plains of Moab to Mount Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, which is opposite Jericho. And the LORD showed him all the land, Gilead as far as Dan,
all Naph'tali, the land of E'phraim and Manas'seh, all the land of Judah as far as the Western Sea,
the Negeb, and the Plain, that is, the valley of Jericho the city of palm trees, as far as Zo'ar.
耶和華對他說:「這就是我向亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各起誓應許之地, 說:『我必將這地賜給你的後裔。』現在我使你眼睛看見了, 你卻不得過到那裡去。」
And the LORD said to him, "This is the land of which I swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, `I will give it to your descendants.' I have let you see it with your eyes, but you shall not go over there."
So Moses the servant of the LORD died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the LORD,
耶和華將他埋葬在摩押地、伯毗珥對面的谷中, 只是到今日沒有人知道他的墳墓。
and he buried him in the valley in the land of Moab opposite Beth-pe'or; but no man knows the place of his burial to this day.
Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died; his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated.
以色列人在摩押平原為摩西哀哭了三十日, 為摩西居喪哀哭的日子就滿了。
And the people of Israel wept for Moses in the plains of Moab thirty days; then the days of weeping and mourning for Moses were ended.
嫩的兒子約書亞;因為摩西曾按手在他頭上,就被智慧的靈充滿, 以色列人便聽從他,照著耶和華吩咐摩西的行了。
And Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands upon him; so the people of Israel obeyed him, and did as the LORD had commanded Moses.
以後以色列中再沒有興起先知像摩西的。 他是耶和華面對面所認識的。
And there has not arisen a prophet since in Israel like Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face,
耶和華打發他在埃及地向法老和他的一切臣僕,並他的全地, 行各樣神蹟奇事,
none like him for all the signs and the wonders which the LORD sent him to do in the land of Egypt, to Pharaoh and to all his servants and to all his land,
and for all the mighty power and all the great and terrible deeds which Moses wrought in the sight of all Israel .

1.  蔡茂堂牧師blog:  http:// hopingtsaidevotion.blogspot. com/
2.  李晶晶牧師blog:  http:// taipeihoping-chin.blogspot. com/
 http://taipeihoping-genesis. blogspot.com/search?updated- min=2005-01-01T00%3A00%3A00% 2B08%3A00&updated-max=2006-01- 01T00%3A00%3A00%2B08%3A00&max- results=27
感謝兄姊的協助,123日 讀經聚餐在57位兄姊的分享下順利完成, 期望各位兄姊都有帶回屬神而來的感動。227日 中午1230於華神B1餐廳,瑜琳執事解析3月份經文;並有讀 經的心得分享。並備有餐點,歡迎攜家帶眷一起參加。 請回信報名喔!
與教會讀經同步,深入解析聖經背景、內容。歡迎主日下午15: 30B1-105教室與我們一起研讀上帝的話語。
主日下午14:00~15:00,華神陽光餐廳。 歡迎想要了解上帝、基督教的兄姊前往。

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