2011年11月27日 星期日

W1 2011-11-28 (申26)經文: 申命記 26:17-19你今日認耶和華為你的神,應許遵行他的道,謹守他的律例、誡命、典章,聽從他的話。耶和華今日照他所應許你的,也認你為他的子民,使你謹守他的一切誡命,又使你得稱讚、美名、尊榮,超乎他所造的萬民之上,並照他所應許的使你歸耶和華你神為聖潔的民。

W1  2011-11-28 (26)
經文: 申命記 26:17-19你今日認耶和華為你的神,應許遵行他的道,謹守他的律例、誡命、典章,聽從他的話。耶和華今日照他所應許你的,也認你為他的子民,使你謹守他的一切誡命,又使你得稱讚、美名、尊榮,超乎他所造的萬民之上,並照他所應許的使你歸耶和華你神為聖潔的民。

默想: 我們與耶和華的關係是一個互動的關係。當我們認耶和華為我們的神時,耶和華也認我們為他的子民。當我們應許遵行他的道,謹守他的律例、誡命、典章時,耶和華也照他所應許的,幫助我們去謹守他的誡命,另外還加上稱讚、美名、尊榮,使我們超乎萬民之上。一位至高至上、無限權能的神竟然願意委屈自己,與自己所親自創造的人類,平起平坐似的和我們訂下這個終身不渝的盟誓,感謝讚美主的恩典。

題目: 12-19節,關於十一奉獻的教導與意義是什麼?你有何想法與回應?
26:1 「你進去得了耶和華你 神所賜你為業之地居住,
"When you come into the land which the LORD your God gives you for an inheritance, and have taken possession of it, and live in it,
就要從耶和華你 神賜你的地上將所收的各種初熟的土產取些來,盛在筐子裡,往耶和華你 神所選擇要立為他名的居所去,
you shall take some of the first of all the fruit of the ground, which you harvest from your land that the LORD your God gives you, and you shall put it in a basket, and you shall go to the place which the LORD your God will choose, to make his name to dwell there.
見當時作祭司的,對他說:『我今日向耶和華你 神明認,我已來到耶和華向我們列祖起誓應許賜給我們的地。』
And you shall go to the priest who is in office at that time, and say to him, `I declare this day to the LORD your God that I have come into the land which the LORD swore to our fathers to give us.'
祭司就從你手裡取過筐子來,放在耶和華你 神的壇前。
Then the priest shall take the basket from your hand, and set it down before the altar of the LORD your God.
你要在耶和華你 神面前說:『我祖原是一個將亡的亞蘭人,下到埃及寄居。他人口稀少,在那裡卻成了又大又強、人數很多的國民。
"And you shall make response before the LORD your God, `A wandering Aramean was my father; and he went down into Egypt and sojourned there, few in number; and there he became a nation, great, mighty, and populous.
And the Egyptians treated us harshly, and afflicted us, and laid upon us hard bondage.
於是我們哀求耶和華我們列祖的 神,耶和華聽見我們的聲音,看見我們所受的困苦、勞碌、欺壓,
Then we cried to the LORD the God of our fathers, and the LORD heard our voice, and saw our affliction, our toil, and our oppression;
and the LORD brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, with great terror, with signs and wonders;
and he brought us into this place and gave us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey.
耶和華啊,現在我把你所賜給我地上初熟的土產奉了來。』隨後你要把筐子放在耶和華你 神面前,向耶和華你的 神下拜。
And behold, now I bring the first of the fruit of the ground, which thou, O LORD, hast given me.' And you shall set it down before the LORD your God, and worship before the LORD your God;
你和利未人,並在你們中間寄居的,要因耶和華你 神所賜你和你家的一切福分歡樂。
and you shall rejoice in all the good which the LORD your God has given to you and to your house, you, and the Levite, and the sojourner who is among you.
"When you have finished paying all the tithe of your produce in the third year, which is the year of tithing, giving it to the Levite, the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow, that they may eat within your towns and be filled,
你又要在耶和華你 神面前說:『我已將聖物從我家裡拿出來,給了利未人和寄居的,與孤兒寡婦,是照你所吩咐我的一切命令。你的命令我都沒有違背,也沒有忘記。
then you shall say before the LORD your God, `I have removed the sacred portion out of my house, and moreover I have given it to the Levite, the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow, according to all thy commandment which thou hast commanded me; I have not transgressed any of thy commandments, neither have I forgotten them;
我守喪的時候,沒有吃這聖物;不潔淨的時候,也沒有拿出來,又沒有為死人送去。我聽從了耶和華我 神的話,都照你所吩咐的行了。
I have not eaten of the tithe while I was mourning, or removed any of it while I was unclean, or offered any of it to the dead; I have obeyed the voice of the LORD my God, I have done according to all that thou hast commanded me.
Look down from thy holy habitation, from heaven, and bless thy people Israel and the ground which thou hast given us, as thou didst swear to our fathers, a land flowing with milk and honey.'
「耶和華你的 神今日吩咐你行這些律例典章,所以你要盡心盡性謹守遵行。
"This day the LORD your God commands you to do these statutes and ordinances; you shall therefore be careful to do them with all your heart and with all your soul.
你今日認耶和華為你的 神,應許遵行他的道,謹守他的律例、誡命、典章,聽從他的話。
You have declared this day concerning the LORD that he is your God, and that you will walk in his ways, and keep his statutes and his commandments and his ordinances, and will obey his voice;
and the LORD has declared this day concerning you that you are a people for his own possession, as he has promised you, and that you are to keep all his commandments,
又使你得稱讚、美名、尊榮,超乎他所造的萬民之上,並照他所應許的使你歸耶和華你 神為聖潔的民。」
that he will set you high above all nations that he has made, in praise and in fame and in honor, and that you shall be a people holy to the LORD your God, as he has spoken."
1.  蔡茂堂牧師blog:  http://hopingtsaidevotion.blogspot.com/
2.  李晶晶牧師blog:  http://taipeihoping-chin.blogspot.com/
主日下午14:30~15:30B1 105。歡迎想要了解上帝、基督教的兄姊前往。

1 則留言:

  1. 關於十一奉獻的教導, 申命記 26: 12節和申命記 26: 12節的對教導是:「每逢三年的末一年(At the end of every third year),就是十分取一之年,你取完了一切土產的十分之一,要分給需要的人(given to people in need」(利未人和寄居的,與孤兒寡婦,使他們在你城中可以吃得飽足)」。這次的祭物並非帶至耶路撒冷和交由那裏的祭司以宗教儀式處理,而是直接給利未人和寄居的,與孤兒寡婦。同時他們必須在耶和華面前所作誠實、嚴肅的宣告:『我已將聖物從我家裡拿出來,給了利未人和寄居的,與孤兒寡婦,是照你所吩咐我的一切命令。你的命令我都沒有違背,也沒有忘記」。這是一個完整的什一奉獻,而非捨不得的,(申命記 26:13)。並宣告他已經遵守將他的什一奉獻給窮人的律例典章。

    摩西的律法(Torah)為十一奉獻 制訂了律例典章,這個具體的制度和義意包括 :
    1) 「甚麼東西要獻上十分之一?」 凡是地上一切所有的,十分之一是耶和華的,需要歸耶和華為聖。(在利未記27:30-34 節)
    2) 「十分之一歸誰?」 由於利未人在迦南地沒有產業,以色列人所獻的十分之一便成為他們事奉的酬勞,而利未人再從其中抽取十分一歸給祭司。(根據民18:21-32節)
    3) 「十分之一要獻在那裏?」 十分之一與祭物必須獻在中央聖所中,最後則是在耶路撒冷(過約旦河後),在獻上這些十分之一與供物時,利未人可在其中共享,並且稱頌耶和華所賜的大福。(在申12:1-14 節及14:22-29 節 )
    4) 但每三年的末一年則要將土產的十分之一取出來分給需要的人(城中無分無業的利未人和城裏寄居的,並孤兒寡婦等)。

    申命記 26: 12-19節,這段經文,是要曾與耶和華立約的以色列人,要守約,要聽上帝所吩話,遵行順從祂的道路,嚴守十一奉獻的教導。根據舊約聖經的記載,以色列人最先提及十一奉獻的,並不是在摩西的律法裏,而是來自他們的祖宗亞伯罕和雅各。根據創世記十四章的記載,亞伯拉罕在接受祭司麥基洗德的祝福之後,他就從拯救羅得時所得的戰利品中取十分之一獻給麥基洗德。按照創世記廿八章的記載,雅各在伯特利夢見耶和華的使者後,他就許了一個願,而許願的最後一句是:「凡你所賜給我的,我必將十分之一獻給你。」(創28;22節)亞伯拉罕和雅各的十一奉獻有一個共通之處,就是他們的奉獻並非按照某些條例,而是一個完全自動自發的行動。

    我們可以發現整個十一奉獻的制度是一個甘心樂意的舉動,它建基在愛上帝和愛弟兄的原則當中,因為十一奉獻除了把自己的東西奉獻給上帝外,也包含了與弟兄分享恩典的機會。當一個人蒙受上帝賜福的時候,他也應該甘心樂意地把自己從上帝得來的,自動自發的奉獻給上帝,因著這樣的態度,他必會看見別人的需要,也願意隨時願意與別人分享。 約翰一書1:1~2:17也告訴我們當在神的家,彼此相愛,在愛的團契裡,彼此相交,誠實地認罪,遵守主命令,不愛世界,行在光明中。這是多麽可貴啊!
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