經文: 歷代志下 17:7-9 他作王第三年,就差遣臣子便亥伊勒、俄巴底、撒迦利雅、拿坦業、米該亞往猶大各城去教訓百姓。同著他們有利未人示瑪雅、尼探雅、西巴第雅、亞撒黑、示米拉末、約拿單、亞多尼雅、多比雅、駝巴多尼雅,又有祭司以利沙瑪、約蘭同著他們。他們帶著耶和華的律法書,走遍猶大各城教訓百姓。
默想: 亞撒王前三十五年專心尋求耶和華,並且享受耶和華所賞賜的平安。很可惜的是從三十六年到四十一年去世為止,亞撒王不只在國家遭遇強敵入侵時不尋求耶和華,只尋求亞蘭王便哈達的幫助,在自己身體生病時,也不尋求耶和華,只尋求醫師的醫治。留下讓我們婉惜遺憾、晚節不保的感嘆。感謝主的恩典,亞撒王的兒子約沙法王登基之後,效法先祖大衛王的榜樣,專心仰賴耶和華,遵行神的誡命,除掉邱壇與偶像,他更差遣五位大臣與兩位祭司、九位利未人,帶著耶和華的律法書,前往猶大各城裡去教訓百姓。求主保守和平教會的培育委員會,能夠好好規劃,在我們返回新堂之後,能夠推動很好的培訓課程,讓每一位和平兄姐,都能夠在屬靈功課上面,得到很好的教導。
題目: 耶和華和約沙法同在,因他遵行耶和華的道路。試想:你聽道後,是否如約沙法遵行耶和華的道?
17:1 亞撒的兒子約沙法接續他作王,奮勇自強,防備以色列人,
Jehosh'aphat his son reigned in his stead, and strengthened himself against Israel.
17:2 安置軍兵在猶大一切堅固城裡,又安置防兵在猶大地和他父亞撒所得以法蓮的城邑中。
He placed forces in all the fortified cities of Judah, and set garrisons in the land of Judah, and in the cities of E'phraim which Asa his father had taken.
17:3 耶和華與約沙法同在;因為他行他祖大衛初行的道,不尋求巴力,
The LORD was with Jehosh'aphat, because he walked in the earlier ways of his father; he did not seek the Ba'als,
17:4 只尋求他父親的 神,遵行他的誡命,不效法以色列人的行為。
but sought the God of his father and walked in his commandments, and not according to the ways of Israel.
17:5 所以耶和華堅定他的國,猶大眾人給他進貢;約沙法大有尊榮資財。
Therefore the LORD established the kingdom in his hand; and all Judah brought tribute to Jehosh'aphat; and he had great riches and honor.
17:6 他高興遵行耶和華的道,並且從猶大除掉一切邱壇和木偶。
His heart was courageous in the ways of the LORD; and furthermore he took the high places and the Ashe'rim out of Judah.
17:7 他作王第三年,就差遣臣子便亥伊勒、俄巴底、撒迦利雅、拿坦業、米該亞往猶大各城去教訓百姓。
In the third year of his reign he sent his princes, Ben-hail, Obadi'ah, Zechari'ah, Nethan'el, and Micai'ah, to teach in the cities of Judah;
17:8 同著他們有利未人示瑪雅、尼探雅、西巴第雅、亞撒黑、示米拉末、約拿單、亞多尼雅、多比雅、駝巴多尼雅,又有祭司以利沙瑪、約蘭同著他們。
and with them the Levites, Shemai'ah, Nethani'ah, Zebadi'ah, As'ahel, Shemi'ramoth, Jehon'athan, Adoni'jah, Tobi'jah, and Tobadoni'jah; and with these Levites, the priests Eli'shama and Jeho'ram.
17:9 他們帶著耶和華的律法書,走遍猶大各城教訓百姓。
And they taught in Judah, having the book of the law of the LORD with them; they went about through all the cities of Judah and taught among the people.
17:10 耶和華使猶大四圍的列國都甚恐懼,不敢與約沙法爭戰。
And the fear of the LORD fell upon all the kingdoms of the lands that were round about Judah, and they made no war against Jehosh'aphat.
17:11 有些非利士人與約沙法送禮物,納貢銀。阿拉伯人也送他公綿羊七千七百隻,公山羊七千七百隻。
Some of the Philistines brought Jehosh'aphat presents, and silver for tribute; and the Arabs also brought him seven thousand seven hundred rams and seven thousand seven hundred he-goats.
17:12 約沙法日漸強大,在猶大建造營寨和積貨城。
And Jehosh'aphat grew steadily greater. He built in Judah fortresses and store-cities,
17:13 他在猶大城邑中有許多工程,又在耶路撒冷有戰士,就是大能的勇士。
and he had great stores in the cities of Judah. He had soldiers, mighty men of valor, in Jerusalem.
17:14 他們的數目,按著宗族,記在下面:猶大族的,千夫長押拿為首率領大能的勇士─三十萬;
This was the muster of them by fathers' houses: Of Judah, the commanders of thousands: Adnah the commander, with three hundred thousand mighty men of valor,
17:15 其次是,千夫長約哈難率領大能的勇士─二十八萬;
and next to him Jehoha'nan the commander, with two hundred and eighty thousand,
17:16 其次是,細基利的兒子亞瑪斯雅〈他為耶和華犧牲自己〉率領大能的勇士─二十萬。
and next to him Amasi'ah the son of Zichri, a volunteer for the service of the LORD, with two hundred thousand mighty men of valor.
17:17 便雅憫族,是大能的勇士以利雅大率領,拿弓箭和盾牌的─二十萬;
Of Benjamin: Eli'ada, a mighty man of valor, with two hundred thousand men armed with bow and shield,
17:18 其次是,約薩拔率領預備打仗的─十八萬。
and next to him Jeho'zabad with a hundred and eighty thousand armed for war.
17:19 這都是伺候王的,還有王在猶大全地堅固城所安置的不在其內。
These were in the service of the king, besides those whom the king had placed in the fortified cities throughout all Judah.
1. 蔡茂堂牧師blog: http://hopingtsaidevotion.blogspot.com/
2. 李晶晶牧師blog: http://taipeihoping-chin.blogspot.com/
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