The Incidence at Bethlehem Well
默想: 在大衛的一生中,留下許多值得讓我們效法與學習的美好榜樣。但是也留下一個讓我們搖頭嘆息,必須引以為誡的遺憾。本段經文中記載大衛末了的話。這位耶和華從耶西七個兒子當中所揀選、栽培使他成為統治以色列的國王,甚至以聖靈充滿他,讓他也成為以色列的美歌者。在大衛王歌頌耶和華所賞賜給他這麼多恩典之後,大衛王開使述說耶和華如何藉著三十七名勇士來陪伴並保護大衛王,平安渡過掃羅王的追殺、與非利士人的無數場戰爭,一直對大衛王忠心耿耿。這三十七名勇士當中,被分成三組,第一組三名勇士是他革捫人約設巴設(一時擊殺了八百人),亞合人朵多的兒子以利亞撒 (擊殺非利士人,直到手臂疲乏,手黏住刀把),哈拉人亞基的兒子沙瑪 (守護住長滿紅豆的田)。這三名被列為最英勇的勇士,卻在大衛的王朝中,沒有獲得任何職位。其次是第二組也是三名勇士,當大衛躲避掃羅王的追殺,逃到亞杜蘭洞時,為了滿足大衛想要一嘗幼年故鄉井水的渴望,冒生命危險勇闖非利士防營,將該井的水打來給大衛,讓大衛很感動,卻捨不得喝下。這三名勇士的姓名是,約押的兄弟亞比篩 (舉槍殺了三百人),耶何耶大的兒子比拿雅 (許多英勇事蹟),第三名卻成為無名英雄。最後的三十一名勇士只留下一份名單,在這份名單的末尾,赫然出現赫人烏利亞。這位對大衛王忠心耿耿的勇士,卻是被大衛王一手策劃、經過約押的安排,藉非利士人的手給謀殺了。這也帶來大衛家庭的許多亂倫、弒親、篡位等一連串的不幸。這是大衛一生中所留下最大的污點。求主保守我,要一生謹慎,靠主勝過一切的試探與引誘。
題目: 大衛無論在治國或是與神的關係上,都留給以色列美好的遺產,你曾想過要留下什麼樣的遺產給下一代嗎?
23:1 以下是大衛末了的話。耶西的兒子大衛得居高位,是雅各 神所膏的,作以色列的美歌者,說:
Now these are the last words of David: The oracle of David, the son of Jesse, the oracle of the man who was raised on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, the sweet psalmist of Israel:
23:2 耶和華的靈藉著我說:他的話在我口中。
"The Spirit of the LORD speaks by me, his word is upon my tongue.
23:3 以色列的 神、以色列的磐石曉諭我說:那以公義治理人民的,敬畏 神執掌權柄,
The God of Israel has spoken, the Rock of Israel has said to me: When one rules justly over men, ruling in the fear of God,
23:4 他必像日出的晨光,如無雲的清晨,雨後的晴光,使地發生嫩草。
he dawns on them like the morning light, like the sun shining forth upon a cloudless morning, like rain that makes grass to sprout from the earth.
23:5 我家在 神面前並非如此; 神卻與我立永遠的約。這約凡事堅穩,關乎我的一切救恩和我一切所想望的,他豈不為我成就嗎?
Yea, does not my house stand so with God? For he has made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and secure. For will he not cause to prosper all my help and my desire?
23:6 但匪類都必像荊棘被丟棄;人不敢用手拿它;
But godless men are all like thorns that are thrown away; for they cannot be taken with the hand;
23:7 拿它的人必帶鐵器和槍桿,終久它必被火焚燒。
but the man who touches them arms himself with iron and the shaft of a spear, and they are utterly consumed with fire."
23:8 大衛勇士的名字記在下面:他革捫人約設巴設,又稱伊斯尼人亞底挪,他是軍長的統領,一時擊殺了八百人。
These are the names of the mighty men whom David had: Josheb-basshe'beth a Tah-che'monite; he was chief of the three; he wielded his spear against eight hundred whom he slew at one time.
23:9 其次是亞合人朵多的兒子以利亞撒。從前非利士人聚集要打仗,以色列人迎著上去,有跟隨大衛的三個勇士向非利士人罵陣,其中有以利亞撒。
And next to him among the three mighty men was Elea'zar the son of Dodo, son of Aho'hi. He was with David when they defied the Philistines who were gathered there for battle, and the men of Israel withdrew.
23:10 他起來擊殺非利士人,直到手臂疲乏,手黏住刀把。那日耶和華使以色列人大獲全勝;眾民在以利亞撒後頭專奪財物。
He rose and struck down the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand cleaved to the sword; and the LORD wrought a great victory that day; and the men returned after him only to strip the slain.
23:11 其次是哈拉人亞基的兒子沙瑪。一日,非利士人聚集成群,在一塊長滿紅豆的田裡,眾民就在非利士人面前逃跑。
And next to him was Shammah, the son of Agee the Har'arite. The Philistines gathered together at Lehi, where there was a plot of ground full of lentils; and the men fled from the Philistines.
23:12 沙瑪卻站在那田間擊殺非利士人,救護了那田。耶和華使以色列人大獲全勝。
But he took his stand in the midst of the plot, and defended it, and slew the Philistines; and the LORD wrought a great victory.
23:13 收割的時候,有三十個勇士中的三個人下到亞杜蘭洞見大衛。非利士的軍兵在利乏音谷安營。
And three of the thirty chief men went down, and came about harvest time to David at the cave of Adullam, when a band of Philistines was encamped in the valley of Reph'aim.
23:14 那時大衛在山寨,非利士人的防營在伯利恆。
David was then in the stronghold; and the garrison of the Philistines was then at Bethlehem.
23:15 大衛渴想,說:「甚願有人將伯利恆城門旁、井裡的水打來給我喝。」
And David said longingly, "O that some one would give me water to drink from the well of Bethlehem which is by the gate!"
23:16 這三個勇士就闖過非利士人的營盤,從伯利恆城門旁的井裡打水,拿來奉給大衛。他卻不肯喝,將水奠在耶和華面前,
Then the three mighty men broke through the camp of the Philistines, and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem which was by the gate, and took and brought it to David. But he would not drink of it; he poured it out to the LORD,
23:17 說:「耶和華啊,這三個人冒死去打水;這水好像他們的血一般,我斷不敢喝。」如此,大衛不肯喝。這是三個勇士所做的事。
and said, "Far be it from me, O LORD, that I should do this. Shall I drink the blood of the men who went at the risk of their lives?" Therefore he would not drink it. These things did the three mighty men.
23:18 洗魯雅的兒子、約押的兄弟亞比篩是這三個勇士的首領;他舉槍殺了三百人,就在三個勇士裡得了名。
Now Abi'shai, the brother of Jo'ab, the son of Zeru'iah, was chief of the thirty. And he wielded his spear against three hundred men and slew them, and won a name beside the three.
23:19 他在這三個勇士裡是最尊貴的,所以作他們的首領,只是不及前三個勇士。
He was the most renowned of the thirty, and became their commander; but he did not attain to the three.
23:20 有甲薛勇士耶何耶大的兒子比拿雅行過大能的事;他殺了摩押人亞利伊勒的兩個兒子,又在下雪的時候下坑裡去,殺了一個獅子,
And Benai'ah the son of Jehoi'ada was a valiant man of Kabzeel, a doer of great deeds; he smote two ariels of Moab. He also went down and slew a lion in a pit on a day when snow had fallen.
23:21 又殺了一個強壯的埃及人;埃及人手裡拿著槍,比拿雅只拿著棍子下去,從埃及人手裡奪過槍來,用那槍將他殺死。
And he slew an Egyptian, a handsome man. The Egyptian had a spear in his hand; but Benai'ah went down to him with a staff, and snatched the spear out of the Egyptian's hand, and slew him with his own spear.
23:22 這是耶何耶大的兒子比拿雅所行的事,就在三個勇士裡得了名。
These things did Benai'ah the son of Jehoi'ada, and won a name beside the three mighty men.
23:23 他比那三十個勇士都尊貴,只是不及前三個勇士。大衛立他作護衛長。
He was renowned among the thirty, but he did not attain to the three. And David set him over his bodyguard.
23:24 三十個勇士裡有約押的兄弟亞撒黑,伯利恆人朵多的兒子伊勒哈難,
As'ahel the brother of Jo'ab was one of the thirty; Elha'nan the son of Dodo of Bethlehem,
23:25 哈律人沙瑪,哈律人以利加,
Shammah of Harod, Eli'ka of Harod,
23:26 帕勒提人希利斯,提哥亞人益吉的兒子以拉,
Helez the Paltite, Ira the son of Ikkesh of Teko'a,
23:27 亞拿突人亞比以謝,戶沙人米本乃,
Abi-e'zer, of An'athoth, Mebun'nai the Hu'shathite,
23:28 亞合人撒們,尼陀法人瑪哈萊,
Zalmon the Aho'hite, Ma'harai of Netoph'ah,
23:29 尼陀法人巴拿的兒子希立,便雅憫族、基比亞人利拜的兒子以太,
Heleb the son of Ba'anah of Netoph'ah, It'tai the son of Ri'bai of Gib'e-ah of the Benjaminites,
23:30 比拉頓人比拿雅,迦實溪人希太,
Benai'ah of Pira'thon, Hid'dai of the brooks of Ga'ash,
23:31 伯亞拉巴人亞比亞本,巴魯米人押斯瑪弗,
Abi-al'bon the Ar'bathite, Az'maveth of Bahu'rim,
23:32 沙本人以利雅哈巴,雅善兒子中的約拿單,
Eli'ahba of Sha-al'bon, the sons of Jashen, Jonathan,
23:33 哈拉人沙瑪,哈拉人沙拉的兒子亞希暗,
Shammah the Har'arite, Ahi'am the son of Sharar the Har'arite,
23:34 瑪迦人亞哈拜的兒子以利法列,基羅人亞希多弗的兒子以連,
Eliph'elet the son of Ahas'bai of Ma'acah, Eli'am the son of Ahith'ophel of Gilo,
23:35 迦密人希斯萊,亞巴人帕萊,
Hezro of Carmel, Pa'arai the Arbite,
23:36 瑣巴人拿單的兒子以甲,迦得人巴尼,
Igal the son of Nathan of Zobah, Bani the Gadite,
23:37 亞捫人洗勒,比錄人拿哈萊(是給洗魯雅的兒子約押拿兵器的),
Zelek the Ammonite, Na'harai of Be-er'oth, the armor-bearer of Jo'ab the son of Zeru'iah,
23:38 以帖人以拉,以帖人迦立,
Ira the Ithrite, Gareb the Ithrite,
23:39 赫人烏利亞,共有三十七人。
Uri'ah the Hittite: thirty-seven in all.
Now these are the last words of David: The oracle of David, the son of Jesse, the oracle of the man who was raised on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, the sweet psalmist of Israel:
23:2 耶和華的靈藉著我說:他的話在我口中。
"The Spirit of the LORD speaks by me, his word is upon my tongue.
23:3 以色列的 神、以色列的磐石曉諭我說:那以公義治理人民的,敬畏 神執掌權柄,
The God of Israel has spoken, the Rock of Israel has said to me: When one rules justly over men, ruling in the fear of God,
23:4 他必像日出的晨光,如無雲的清晨,雨後的晴光,使地發生嫩草。
he dawns on them like the morning light, like the sun shining forth upon a cloudless morning, like rain that makes grass to sprout from the earth.
23:5 我家在 神面前並非如此; 神卻與我立永遠的約。這約凡事堅穩,關乎我的一切救恩和我一切所想望的,他豈不為我成就嗎?
Yea, does not my house stand so with God? For he has made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and secure. For will he not cause to prosper all my help and my desire?
23:6 但匪類都必像荊棘被丟棄;人不敢用手拿它;
But godless men are all like thorns that are thrown away; for they cannot be taken with the hand;
23:7 拿它的人必帶鐵器和槍桿,終久它必被火焚燒。
but the man who touches them arms himself with iron and the shaft of a spear, and they are utterly consumed with fire."
23:8 大衛勇士的名字記在下面:他革捫人約設巴設,又稱伊斯尼人亞底挪,他是軍長的統領,一時擊殺了八百人。
These are the names of the mighty men whom David had: Josheb-basshe'beth a Tah-che'monite; he was chief of the three; he wielded his spear against eight hundred whom he slew at one time.
23:9 其次是亞合人朵多的兒子以利亞撒。從前非利士人聚集要打仗,以色列人迎著上去,有跟隨大衛的三個勇士向非利士人罵陣,其中有以利亞撒。
And next to him among the three mighty men was Elea'zar the son of Dodo, son of Aho'hi. He was with David when they defied the Philistines who were gathered there for battle, and the men of Israel withdrew.
23:10 他起來擊殺非利士人,直到手臂疲乏,手黏住刀把。那日耶和華使以色列人大獲全勝;眾民在以利亞撒後頭專奪財物。
He rose and struck down the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand cleaved to the sword; and the LORD wrought a great victory that day; and the men returned after him only to strip the slain.
23:11 其次是哈拉人亞基的兒子沙瑪。一日,非利士人聚集成群,在一塊長滿紅豆的田裡,眾民就在非利士人面前逃跑。
And next to him was Shammah, the son of Agee the Har'arite. The Philistines gathered together at Lehi, where there was a plot of ground full of lentils; and the men fled from the Philistines.
23:12 沙瑪卻站在那田間擊殺非利士人,救護了那田。耶和華使以色列人大獲全勝。
But he took his stand in the midst of the plot, and defended it, and slew the Philistines; and the LORD wrought a great victory.
23:13 收割的時候,有三十個勇士中的三個人下到亞杜蘭洞見大衛。非利士的軍兵在利乏音谷安營。
And three of the thirty chief men went down, and came about harvest time to David at the cave of Adullam, when a band of Philistines was encamped in the valley of Reph'aim.
23:14 那時大衛在山寨,非利士人的防營在伯利恆。
David was then in the stronghold; and the garrison of the Philistines was then at Bethlehem.
23:15 大衛渴想,說:「甚願有人將伯利恆城門旁、井裡的水打來給我喝。」
And David said longingly, "O that some one would give me water to drink from the well of Bethlehem which is by the gate!"
23:16 這三個勇士就闖過非利士人的營盤,從伯利恆城門旁的井裡打水,拿來奉給大衛。他卻不肯喝,將水奠在耶和華面前,
Then the three mighty men broke through the camp of the Philistines, and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem which was by the gate, and took and brought it to David. But he would not drink of it; he poured it out to the LORD,
23:17 說:「耶和華啊,這三個人冒死去打水;這水好像他們的血一般,我斷不敢喝。」如此,大衛不肯喝。這是三個勇士所做的事。
and said, "Far be it from me, O LORD, that I should do this. Shall I drink the blood of the men who went at the risk of their lives?" Therefore he would not drink it. These things did the three mighty men.
23:18 洗魯雅的兒子、約押的兄弟亞比篩是這三個勇士的首領;他舉槍殺了三百人,就在三個勇士裡得了名。
Now Abi'shai, the brother of Jo'ab, the son of Zeru'iah, was chief of the thirty. And he wielded his spear against three hundred men and slew them, and won a name beside the three.
23:19 他在這三個勇士裡是最尊貴的,所以作他們的首領,只是不及前三個勇士。
He was the most renowned of the thirty, and became their commander; but he did not attain to the three.
23:20 有甲薛勇士耶何耶大的兒子比拿雅行過大能的事;他殺了摩押人亞利伊勒的兩個兒子,又在下雪的時候下坑裡去,殺了一個獅子,
And Benai'ah the son of Jehoi'ada was a valiant man of Kabzeel, a doer of great deeds; he smote two ariels of Moab. He also went down and slew a lion in a pit on a day when snow had fallen.
23:21 又殺了一個強壯的埃及人;埃及人手裡拿著槍,比拿雅只拿著棍子下去,從埃及人手裡奪過槍來,用那槍將他殺死。
And he slew an Egyptian, a handsome man. The Egyptian had a spear in his hand; but Benai'ah went down to him with a staff, and snatched the spear out of the Egyptian's hand, and slew him with his own spear.
23:22 這是耶何耶大的兒子比拿雅所行的事,就在三個勇士裡得了名。
These things did Benai'ah the son of Jehoi'ada, and won a name beside the three mighty men.
23:23 他比那三十個勇士都尊貴,只是不及前三個勇士。大衛立他作護衛長。
He was renowned among the thirty, but he did not attain to the three. And David set him over his bodyguard.
23:24 三十個勇士裡有約押的兄弟亞撒黑,伯利恆人朵多的兒子伊勒哈難,
As'ahel the brother of Jo'ab was one of the thirty; Elha'nan the son of Dodo of Bethlehem,
23:25 哈律人沙瑪,哈律人以利加,
Shammah of Harod, Eli'ka of Harod,
23:26 帕勒提人希利斯,提哥亞人益吉的兒子以拉,
Helez the Paltite, Ira the son of Ikkesh of Teko'a,
23:27 亞拿突人亞比以謝,戶沙人米本乃,
Abi-e'zer, of An'athoth, Mebun'nai the Hu'shathite,
23:28 亞合人撒們,尼陀法人瑪哈萊,
Zalmon the Aho'hite, Ma'harai of Netoph'ah,
23:29 尼陀法人巴拿的兒子希立,便雅憫族、基比亞人利拜的兒子以太,
Heleb the son of Ba'anah of Netoph'ah, It'tai the son of Ri'bai of Gib'e-ah of the Benjaminites,
23:30 比拉頓人比拿雅,迦實溪人希太,
Benai'ah of Pira'thon, Hid'dai of the brooks of Ga'ash,
23:31 伯亞拉巴人亞比亞本,巴魯米人押斯瑪弗,
Abi-al'bon the Ar'bathite, Az'maveth of Bahu'rim,
23:32 沙本人以利雅哈巴,雅善兒子中的約拿單,
Eli'ahba of Sha-al'bon, the sons of Jashen, Jonathan,
23:33 哈拉人沙瑪,哈拉人沙拉的兒子亞希暗,
Shammah the Har'arite, Ahi'am the son of Sharar the Har'arite,
23:34 瑪迦人亞哈拜的兒子以利法列,基羅人亞希多弗的兒子以連,
Eliph'elet the son of Ahas'bai of Ma'acah, Eli'am the son of Ahith'ophel of Gilo,
23:35 迦密人希斯萊,亞巴人帕萊,
Hezro of Carmel, Pa'arai the Arbite,
23:36 瑣巴人拿單的兒子以甲,迦得人巴尼,
Igal the son of Nathan of Zobah, Bani the Gadite,
23:37 亞捫人洗勒,比錄人拿哈萊(是給洗魯雅的兒子約押拿兵器的),
Zelek the Ammonite, Na'harai of Be-er'oth, the armor-bearer of Jo'ab the son of Zeru'iah,
23:38 以帖人以拉,以帖人迦立,
Ira the Ithrite, Gareb the Ithrite,
23:39 赫人烏利亞,共有三十七人。
Uri'ah the Hittite: thirty-seven in all.
「你豈要定睛在虛無的錢財上嗎?因錢財必長翅膀,如鷹向天飛去。」(箴 23:5)
1. 「至於我和我家,我們必定事奉耶和華。」(約書亞記 24:15)
2. 「百姓回答約書亞說:「我們必事奉耶和華我們的神,聽從他的話。」(約書亞記 24:24)
3. 「少年人用什麼潔淨他的行為呢?是要遵行你的話!」(詩篇 119:9)
4. 「聖經都是神所默示的(或作:凡神所默示的聖經),於教訓、督責、使人歸正、教導人學義都是有益的。」(提摩太後書 3:16)
5. 「你要認識神,就得平安;福氣也必臨到你。」(約伯記 22:21)
6. 「你就明白敬畏耶和華,得以認識神。」(箴言 2:5)
這一週以來電視和報章雜誌都報導了一則因貪婪收賄的高官而變成入獄的階下囚. 實在不值得.
聖經告訴我們:「你豈要定睛在虛無的錢財上嗎?因錢財必長翅膀,如鷹向天飛去。」(箴 23:5), 「不要為自己積儹財寶在地上;地上有蟲子咬,能銹壞,也有賊挖窟窿來偷。只要積儹財寶在天上;天上沒有蟲子咬,不能銹壞,也沒有賊挖窟窿來偷。」 (太 6:19-20), 我們大半的人一生所打拼的.莫不過是想要多留點財產給子孫們, 希望他們以後的日子過得更好. 但是從大衛的一生看來,他在這交待末了得話,看到大衛留給後世最好最大的遺產, 這遺產不是權力和財富,除了使以色列的王權達到顛峰, 還有屬靈的遺產(詩篇和他和神親密的關係)。
前些日子參加一位黃雪傳道師的追思禮拜,看到她和她的夫婿,兩人忠心的牧養礁溪長老教會數十年, 他們為了神的國度,默默地付出,根耘,帶領人認識神,信主,他們傳福音的腳蹤多麽美好. 今天蔡牧師提醒我們, 我們曾想過要留下什麼樣的遺產給下一代嗎?既然積儹財寶在地上沒有保障,那我們該多積財寶在天上.
約書亞說: 「至於我和我家,我們必定事奉耶和華。」, 我們也要我們的孩子聽從神的話, 讓孩子從小遵行神的話, 成為他們前面的路,腳前的燈. 凡所說所做的,在生活上要有見證, 過聖潔的生活. 這是一個漫長的路, 尤其在21世紀的今天, 求主恩待我們和孩子們, 持守信仰, 謹守神的話, 到老都不偏離. 因為聖經都是神所默示的(或作:凡神所默示的聖經),於教訓、督責、使人歸正、教導人學義都是有益的。求主幫助我們, 敬畏耶和華,得以認識神。因為你的話永定在天,絕不改變.