W2 2013-02-12 (斯6)
6:6 哈曼就進去。王問他說:「王所喜悅尊榮的人,當如何待他呢?」哈曼心裡說:「王所喜悅尊榮的,不是我是誰呢?」
6:7 哈曼就回答說:「王所喜悅尊榮的,
6:8 當將王常穿的朝服和戴冠的御馬,
6:9 都交給王極尊貴的一個大臣,命他將衣服給王所喜悅尊榮的人穿上,使他騎上馬,走遍城裡的街市,在他面前宣告說:王所喜悅尊榮的人,就如此待他。」
6:10 王對哈曼說:「你速速將這衣服和馬,照你所說的,向坐在朝門的猶大人末底改去行。凡你所說的,一樣不可缺。」
6:11 於是哈曼將朝服給末底改穿上,使他騎上馬,走遍城裡的街市,在他面前宣告說:「王所喜悅尊榮的人,就如此待他。」
6:12 末底改仍回到朝門,哈曼卻憂憂悶悶地蒙著頭,急忙回家去了,
6:13 將所遇的一切事詳細說給他的妻細利斯和他的眾朋友聽。他的智慧人和他的妻細利斯對他說:「你在末底改面前始而敗落,他如果是猶大人,你必不能勝他,終必在他面前敗落。」
默想: 在以斯帖記中,全書完全沒有提到上帝,讀者在讀本書的時候,卻一定會想到上帝。因為以斯帖記最強調的是「時機」,從以斯帖得了王后的這個位份;到王半夜睡不著覺,而夜讀歷史,發現末底改曾經救了王而未得賞賜,而臨時起意要給他一個賞賜。而正好這時哈曼心急,半夜不睡覺跑去見王,求要將末底改挂在木頭上,沒有到王問他說「王所喜悅尊榮的人,當如何待他?」一時間哈曼誤以為這個殊榮是為自己所預備的。於是,請求王當給這人極高的尊榮,通告王城裡所有的人。結果哈曼為自己所準備的「尊榮」給了末底改,而哈曼為未底改準備的「木架」,卻留給了自己。這一切,都是出乎人的意料之外。
題目: 你在本章經文中是否看到上帝的作為?
6:1 那夜王睡不著覺,就吩咐人取歷史來,念給他聽。
On that night the king could not sleep; and he gave orders to bring the book of memorable deeds, the chronicles, and they were read before the king.
6:2 正遇見書上寫著說:王的太監中有兩個守門的,辟探和提列,想要下手害亞哈隨魯王,末底改將這事告訴王后。
And it was found written how Mor'decai had told about Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king's eunuchs, who guarded the threshold, and who had sought to lay hands upon King Ahasu-e'rus.
6:3 王說:「末底改行了這事,賜他甚麼尊榮爵位沒有?」伺候王的臣僕回答說:「沒有賜他甚麼。」
And the king said, "What honor or dignity has been bestowed on Mor'decai for this?" The king's servants who attended him said, "Nothing has been done for him."
6:4 王說:「誰在院子裡?」(那時哈曼正進王宮的外院,要求王將末底改掛在他所預備的木架上。)
And the king said, "Who is in the court?" Now Haman had just entered the outer court of the king's palace to speak to the king about having Mor'decai hanged on the gallows that he had prepared for him.
6:5 臣僕說:「哈曼站在院內。」王說:「叫他進來。」
So the king's servants told him, "Haman is there, standing in the court." And the king said, "Let him come in."
6:6 哈曼就進去。王問他說:「王所喜悅尊榮的人,當如何待他呢?」哈曼心裡說:「王所喜悅尊榮的,不是我是誰呢?」
So Haman came in, and the king said to him, "What shall be done to the man whom the king delights to honor?" And Haman said to himself, "Whom would the king delight to honor more than me?"
6:7 哈曼就回答說:「王所喜悅尊榮的,
and Haman said to the king, "For the man whom the king delights to honor,
6:8 當將王常穿的朝服和戴冠的御馬,
let royal robes be brought, which the king has worn, and the horse which the king has ridden, and on whose head a royal crown is set;
6:9 都交給王極尊貴的一個大臣,命他將衣服給王所喜悅尊榮的人穿上,使他騎上馬,走遍城裡的街市,在他面前宣告說:王所喜悅尊榮的人,就如此待他。」
and let the robes and the horse be handed over to one of the king's most noble princes; let him array the man whom the king delights to honor, and let him conduct the man on horseback through the open square of the city, proclaiming before him: `Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delights to honor.'"
6:10 王對哈曼說:「你速速將這衣服和馬,照你所說的,向坐在朝門的猶大人末底改去行。凡你所說的,一樣不可缺。」
Then the king said to Haman, "Make haste, take the robes and the horse, as you have said, and do so to Mor'decai the Jew who sits at the king's gate. Leave out nothing that you have mentioned."
6:11 於是哈曼將朝服給末底改穿上,使他騎上馬,走遍城裡的街市,在他面前宣告說:「王所喜悅尊榮的人,就如此待他。」
So Haman took the robes and the horse, and he arrayed Mor'decai and made him ride through the open square of the city, proclaiming, "Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delights to honor."
6:12 末底改仍回到朝門,哈曼卻憂憂悶悶地蒙著頭,急忙回家去了,
Then Mor'decai returned to the king's gate. But Haman hurried to his house, mourning and with his head covered.
6:13 將所遇的一切事詳細說給他的妻細利斯和他的眾朋友聽。他的智慧人和他的妻細利斯對他說:「你在末底改面前始而敗落,他如果是猶大人,你必不能勝他,終必在他面前敗落。」
And Haman told his wife Zeresh and all his friends everything that had befallen him. Then his wise men and his wife Zeresh said to him, "If Mor'decai, before whom you have begun to fall, is of the Jewish people, you will not prevail against him but will surely fall before him."
6:14 他們還與哈曼說話的時候,王的太監來催哈曼快去赴以斯帖所預備的筵席。
While they were yet talking with him, the king's eunuchs arrived and brought Haman in haste to the banquet that Esther had prepared.
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