經文: 尼希米記 1:2-4 那時,有我一個弟兄哈拿尼,同著幾個人從猶大來。我問他們那些被擄歸回、剩下逃脫的猶大人和耶路撒冷的光景。他們對我說:「那些被擄歸回剩下的人在猶大省遭大難,受凌辱;並且耶路撒冷的城牆拆毀,城門被火焚燒。」我聽見這話,就坐下哭泣,悲哀幾日,在天上的神面前禁食祈禱
默想: 尼希米雖然已經在波斯帝國亞達薛西王擔任王的酒政的要職,但是他對於被擄歸回猶大人的光景與故鄉耶路撒冷的現況,卻還是非常的關心。因此,當他遇到從猶大省回到波斯國的鄉親以及哈拿尼時,便向他們打聽故鄉的情況。當他聽到被擄歸回的鄉親處境艱難,耶路撒冷城牆被火焚燒時,內心感到十分憂傷,並且為此在神面前禁食禱告。求主也賞賜給我一顆關心故鄉與鄉親的心,讓我學`習常常為他們在神面前代求。
題目: 「求你垂聽我的禱告,也垂聽所有敬畏你的僕人的禱告…」(11節)試想:你在服侍前,是否如尼希米用禱告開始?
1:1 哈迦利亞的兒子尼希米的言語如下:亞達薛西王二十年基斯流月,我在書珊城的宮中。
The words of Nehemi'ah the son of Hacali'ah. Now it happened in the month of Chislev, in the twentieth year, as I was in Susa the capital,
1:2 那時,有我一個弟兄哈拿尼,同著幾個人從猶大來。我問他們那些被擄歸回、剩下逃脫的猶大人和耶路撒冷的光景。
that Hana'ni, one of my brethren, came with certain men out of Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews that survived, who had escaped exile, and concerning Jerusalem.
1:3 他們對我說:「那些被擄歸回剩下的人在猶大省遭大難,受凌辱;並且耶路撒冷的城牆拆毀,城門被火焚燒。」
And they said to me, "The survivors there in the province who escaped exile are in great trouble and shame; the wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates are destroyed by fire."
1:4 我聽見這話,就坐下哭泣,悲哀幾日,在天上的 神面前禁食祈禱,說:
When I heard these words I sat down and wept, and mourned for days; and I continued fasting and praying before the God of heaven.
1:5 「耶和華─天上的 神,大而可畏的 神啊,你向愛你、守你誡命的人守約施慈愛。
And I said, "O LORD God of heaven, the great and terrible God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments;
1:6 願你睜眼看,側耳聽,你僕人晝夜在你面前為你眾僕人以色列民的祈禱,承認我們以色列人向你所犯的罪;我與我父家都有罪了。
let thy ear be attentive, and thy eyes open, to hear the prayer of thy servant which I now pray before thee day and night for the people of Israel thy servants, confessing the sins of the people of Israel, which we have sinned against thee. Yea, I and my father's house have sinned.
1:7 我們向你所行的甚是邪惡,沒有遵守你藉著僕人摩西所吩咐的誡命、律例、典章。
We have acted very corruptly against thee, and have not kept the commandments, the statutes, and the ordinances which thou didst command thy servant Moses.
1:8 求你記念所吩咐你僕人摩西的話,說:『你們若犯罪,我就把你們分散在萬民中;
Remember the word which thou didst command thy servant Moses, saying, `If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the peoples;
1:9 但你們若歸向我,謹守遵行我的誡命,你們被趕散的人雖在天涯,我也必從那裡將他們招聚回來,帶到我所選擇立為我名的居所。』
but if you return to me and keep my commandments and do them, though your dispersed be under the farthest skies, I will gather them thence and bring them to the place which I have chosen, to make my name dwell there.'
1:10 這都是你的僕人、你的百姓,就是你用大力和大能的手所救贖的。
They are thy servants and thy people, whom thou hast redeemed by thy great power and by thy strong hand.
1:11 主啊,求你側耳聽你僕人的祈禱,和喜愛敬畏你名眾僕人的祈禱,使你僕人現今亨通,在王面前蒙恩。」我是作王酒政的。
O Lord, let thy ear be attentive to the prayer of thy servant, and to the prayer of thy servants who delight to fear thy name; and give success to thy servant today, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man." Now I was cupbearer to the king.
1. 蔡茂堂牧師blog: http://hopingtsaidevotion.blogspot.com/
2. 李晶晶牧師blog: http://taipeihoping-chin.blogspot.com/
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